I didn’t know it was a sign but the Thursday before I went in to labour (waters broke Tuesday 4am and gave birth Wednesday) I started a bad headache and vomiting that lasted for 4 days, I ended up in triage on Sunday night. Went home and Monday was in a hugely emotional state and got signed off work as I was inconsolable. Then I woke up at 4am to a gush as fluid…! So headache, maybe vomiting, lethargy, being extremely emotional, and generally feeling out of sorts was what I felt. I also felt like I was about to pop which was ironic as I literally did!
First sign for me with my first was a bloody show. Then had to wait a few days for contractions to start. The first sign of going into active labour was sudden loss of appetite, diarrhoea and then it all kicked off with contractions and he was here within 11/12 hours