How are you caring for it? It looks like is leaking puss so definitely go get it checked
That’s infected hun. It’s leaking and it smells. That’s not rubbing xx
It might be infected, and you should get it checked out. But just sharing my story in case this is not an infection. I used to get this pretty often (and still get it sometimes) from all the sweat (didn't matter how often I would have a shower and clean). For me normally it looks really red (like a rash) and with white discharge. My scar was never infected, it was just because of rubbing and sweat. My gp recommended daktacort cream (you can get it from boots without prescription). I still get this sometimes after 18 months from my c-section. Hope this helps xx
That looks infected :/ it looks like it's leaking, and it's inflamed. It could just be sore, but it's best to get it checked.
I’d get it checked to be on the safe side!