I would have your mum there. You only do the birth certificate like two weeks after and you make your own appointment so just don’t tell her when you register the baby x
When I gave birth, I filled out the birth certificate info before I was discharged. You can ask the hospital what their policy is to be sure.
If you don’t live with her by July, you can “forget” to tell her you’re in labor until after the baby is born.
As long as you don’t accept any pain meds while in labor, she can’t say you’re out of your mind.
@Shannen lol we couldn’t leave without doing the birth certificate.. where are you from?🤔
@Brianna ah sorry didn’t realise this was US! Sorry. Here in the UK we register about two weeks later x
@Shannen ahh makes sense! lol i be watching UK documentaries and I’ve seen them do that! I was so amazed! Yea here couldn’t leave without doing it or setting up his first doctors appointment for that week😅
I would let her be in the room and also let your birth team know the situation so they can have her leave if you feel uncomfortable! I wish I had my mom there just through labor because we're close, but it was only one person allowed at the time. And since I'm in the US I agree with the others that you usually sign the certificate right before you are discharged. My dad isn't on my birth certificate and I wish he was, so there's that.
If you go into labor when you’re not living with her you can just decide not to tell her and let her know when the baby is here. Your labor is about you and your baby being healthy and safe. Your boyfriend being supportive is an added bonus and anyone after that is not entitled to anything.
I love my mom and we have a good relationship but she's never been in the room with me when I've given birth and has even waited until we've came home to come see the baby. Everyone's family dynamic is different but please do not let her pressure you to let her do something you're not comfortable with!
She can’t make you do anything love or him. I’d talk to her about all of your concerns calmly & if she still plans to be a problem, let your Ob team know when you get to the hospital. Is her overbearing behavior coming from a place of love & protection or control?
I would talk to her about it first see where she’s at. You shouldn’t have to be worried about it what someone else’s behavior while you’re in labor. If you have to, then it’s a sign she shouldn’t be there.