
I have been having contractions regularly and I know the 511 time but I have a lot of pressure in ”there” and idk if I should go in what do you guys think… I also have back pain and very restless tonight. As of Monday I was 1cm dilated and 70% effaced
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Better safe than sorry girlfriend you should go !

Eh you could try and I would suggest getting a contractions timer app it’ll help you keep track a lot easier then having to think about writing stuff down! It was a life saver for me and told me when to go to the hospital

@Gabrielle omg I didn’t even know this was a thing!!!

Take a nap or a shower if they continue then they are likely contractions. Personally I would wait till they are about 3 minutes apart for at least an hour and then go in.

I would go in but also look up the miles circuit. Baby might be in a funny position/not quite lined up!

Yes it’s amazing! They have multiple but any are good. Yeah if maybe have them be more intense and closer together. But I think it also depends how far you are from the hospital. First birth I was 5 min so it was fine. Second I was 30 min away so we left when I thought I was close.

Biggest thing my midwife told me was that you know your body. Trust it, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry. I have contractions too but I think they are still Braxton hicks as I can still talk through them. I was 80% effaced and 1.5/2cm dilated on Monday too! Good luck 🍀

@Georgia I use one of these and it’s helpful.

I would wait to be honest

Storky is a good app for tracking contractions. Go to hospital and get assessed, better be on safe side. Not everyone gets to 511 or even regular contractions. Getting out of house and into car will take longer than normal leave extra time.

@Robyn this helped me, it made me realize I was having contractions with my first! Went in and I was in active labor. Taking a shower helps you to know if it’s just cramps or contractions

I would wait, they’re not very close together yet

As a first time mum who planned a home birth last time, I never got 3 in 10 minutes contractions, I also never really found my contractions painful until transition. I was due to home birth but didn’t as there wasn’t staff available. But no medical professionals believed me when I said baby was coming so if I’d have stayed home, I would have been a BBA. If you’re not wanting to birth at home, or hoping to get to hospital in time I’d go in as every woman is different xx

I’ve had 4 children and was over due with 2 I was always told to know for sure if it’s labour , if I get in the bath and contractions/tightenings get worse then go to hospital

Call your labor and delivery hotline! They're great help. I initially wanted to wait until my contractions were 3-4 mins apart but ended up going in at 5 mins apart because of the intensity of pain (was literally on the floor of the triage dealing with a contraction as they patiently waited for me to put my initials on a document) Turned out to be right for me since I gave birth 4 hours after that. Continue timing it, get advice from your doctor through the hotline and trust your instincts! You got this mama

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