How far along are you?
Nothing will induce labour until your baby/body are ready for it unfortunately. There are things you can do which get baby into a good position to apply even pressure onto your cervix though such as kerb walking and using the ball. It’s so hard at the end, I’m also really fed up!
The only scientifically proven thing to work is eating 6 dates a day from 36 weeks. However nipple stimulation can help, sex, sideways walking up stairs, kerb walking, figure of 8 with hips on birthing ball, clary sage massaged into bump with carrier oil x
When your baby is ready it will come hun. Keep busy and try not focus on it if at all possible.
@Emily 38 + 2
@Hollie oh really I’ll have a look if not it’s exercise lol so that’s fine xx
You're nearly there! Oxytocin flowing will be your best friend and your baby will come when your baby is ready. If you keep trying things but get stressed they don't work, the oxytocin won't flow! Keep relaxed as possible during this difficult wait and try some gentle meditation too :)
Also, sex sex sex, even self pleasure, will keep oxytocin flowing. If you have a male partner their sperm is very useful too
I did this workout with my first at 39w and within 24h I was in labour It may have been a coincidence but soo many comments say the same so worth a shot if your approaching 40w xx