Support when no village
Just wondering how some parents get the support they need when family is limited?
I don't have a good relationship with my mum, my father passed away 7 years ago. I have siblings but they have their own young kids. My FIL is almost 77 and my MIL works full time, lives around the corner and offers some support like picking toddler up from daycare and a few hrs very sporadically. I am annoyed at selfish she can and has only looked at my 9 mth old once. My almost 3 year old has never had a sleep over, but she has other grand kids who are similar ages stay with her.
I have some Aunties but most older and or work. We have paid for a baby sitter a couple of times which helps, but they are not cheap. We build on friendships and we have daycare, and now outsourced a cleaner.
I get slightly envious of families whose parents take their kids one day a week or are around to offer more support. Is it just me that has selfish grandparents- or is this a common occurrence these days?
I rely more on friends as well as family for support. I have a very supportive family but like yours people are busy and cannot always support me. That is part of the reason I joined this app. So I can make friends with people who I can help, and can help me in return. It takes a village to raise a child and I am trying to build my village.