🌟 Your Voice Matters: Share Your Journey! 🌟

We're embarking on an exciting exploration into modern motherhood, and we need YOUR unique stories! Whether you're a Baby Boomer, Gen X, Millennial, or Gen Z, your experiences are invaluable in painting the full picture of motherhood today. 🎨 By sharing your story, you'll contribute to a deeper understanding of motherhood. It's a chance to reflect and maybe even discover new perspectives on the role you play in your family's life. Simply click on the link below, and let your voice be heard! It's quick, easy, and a great way to contribute to a project that celebrates women. ♥️ 👉 https://peanut-app.typeform.com/to/OXvaRqX8 Team Peanut xo
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@Saralyn yes lol

Thanks for a space to dump some of my motherhood trauma

Great idea this survey. Wanted to contribute my thoughts especially on need for more support to women. I had almost finished it though and I swiped up or down and it disappeared. So not sure if my answers saved. Don’t have time to do it again unfortunately!

Done 😊

Do we get access to the data you generate? I’d be interested in the statistics

Done 😃

Done ✔️

Somebody know about a good daycare for my kids!


20 weeks preggo, I was in Hawaii with my husband and in-laws and my MIL was saying she was pregnant in a time where people would try to hide their belly no matter what and now everyone lets the belly be free and naked haha, it was pretty funny


Another good one.

@Team Peanut will you share the stories?

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