Are you in a dark room? When he’s fussy he’s probably tired. TV off, dark room, eveneven talking will keep some babies awake. Walking with him on your chest might help also. Soon as my LO starts any fuss I put her in a carrier and walk with her. When she was young I used to bounce her. White noise on a dark screen on YouTube. Side line breast/feeding
Our baby started doing this around the same time as well. He started crying a lot more too. We eventually figured out we had to start watching wake windows and actively try to put him down for naps as he wasn't just falling asleep on his own after a feed anymore.
My baby did this when he was a newborn… the baby carrier became our best friend (and still is!)
My girl has just started to refuse naps at 7 weeks. We just look for the cues and then try our best to get her down. Today it took a 40 min car ride and 40 minutes of rocking, shushing and patting to get a 20 min nap 😂
@Jane I know it sounds like a stupid question but do you go to a dark room even during the day then? I’m used to being able to settle him and he naps downstairs with me during the day but maybe if I need to settle him in his usual spot upstairs then it means I have to shut all the curtains and pretend it’s bedtime effectively?
@Sandy what is the wake window?
@Daisy that’s a lot of work!! Will attempt the driving later today thanks
@Sandy thanks so much!! This is super useful ❤️ do you put your baby down in a dark room similar to bed time? X
@Poppy No worries! Life definitely got easier for us once we started following it! Yes, we put our baby down in the same room he sleeps in at night and it's dark and we have a white noise machine on. Usually once a day I let him contact nap on me because he sleeps longer that way and I can catch up on tv lol.
All about the wake windows this happened to us too! Once you watch for the wake window and get them before they’re over tired it’s a god send Try the huckleberry app Following wake windows we keep her in a light filled room with noise during the day and a dark quiet room at night and by 8ish weeks she was sleeping short naps around 45 mins in the day and then 5ish hours at a time at night
@Sandy last question sorry!! How long does he nap for when he’s down x
@Ness thanks! Will try that app ❤️
@Poppy only about 45 mins to 1 hour. Our baby is 3 months now, his wake window is 90 mins and he has about 4 naps a day. The naps get worse as the day goes on so sometimes his last nap is only 15 mins or so.
@Sandy thanks 🥰
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@Poppy Good luck! 😀
This happened with my baby . Long walks or drives work to help her go to sleep.