Is this abuse?

He used to apologize afterward but now he doesn't. I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant with his baby and I don't know how to handle these situations because he just brushes them off as “arguements” and doesn't realize how badly it hurts me. I told him I think we need a break because I'm not happy and this is how he reacted.
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This is terrifying! This is not a normal, loving relationship. I’m sorry someone is treating you like this x

If you are “aren’t right in the head” you put down the phone and go see a doctor, this man sounds dangerous I hope you have somewhere safe to go sorry this is happening to you

Girl this is not only abuse I'd be terrified he'd threaten you next or your baby. Get far far away from this man

Scary! I hope you and child is okay

Yes momma. This is very much abuse. You need to get away from him for both your sake and your baby’s. Do you have family or friends that you trust that can help you? If you do, go to them, show them these texts, and ask to stay with them until you can get yourself to a safe place of your own. If not, PLEASE look into battered women and children shelters in your area. They are made for women, mothers, and children escaping these situations and can help you with housing and other things for you and you baby

Omg omg is he talking about he’s un born child?? Hunny get away from him asap

Omg ma’am. Do not let him round that baby for one second unattended. He’s the type to pull a little leg out of its socket and blame it on “he stretched wrong”

this is borderline scary.. genuinely concerned for you & baby. this is abuse. do you two live together?

This is absolutely abuse. Verbal abuse to a T. Momma don’t deserve to have to stress about shit like this, i’m sorry girl 🥺 Easier said then done but that’s a bye bye,blocked, delete in my books.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

he wants to do WHAT to his organs??? 😮 that man needs a psych eval

@Ny blocking him makes it worse and he'll keep me up all night blowing up my phone with different numbers. His mom has called the cops because he'll punch things and throw things and hold my face if I refuse to look him in the eyes. He explained he acts that way because of his trauma to the cops and they just let it go.

Please be safe. This is not a safe relationship.

That restraining order will be your best bet. I was always told as a kid “if a man punches a wall someday he’ll be punching you next” he’s definitely abusive and you need to get away from him ASAP and don’t stay in that. Your baby doesn’t need to be around that because they feel everything

Girl. Seriously?!

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Oh my gosh my love I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. It’s so scary isn’t it. If you can get out of there please do. I’d even suggest sharing those messages with family and moving house to be honest. What a disgusting nasty thing to say. Show the police and get a restraining order. I’m so sorry xxx

Omgggg quit talking to him like right now. Block and delete!!!!! He sounds nuts


This is not safe. Is scary. I understand about getting mad but if he really loved you he wouldn’t say those things. That’s not love.

It is abuse. It is also abuse whether he apologises or not. An apology and promise not to do it again does not mean, it isn't abuse. Check out The cycle of abuse. You can just google it. My ex used to apologise, cry and organise his own psychologist sessions to work on it. He has been abusive to me, then to our kids since 2007. I thought all those things were a sign that he was working on it and would stop. No. It's all part of the cycle. The truth is, it is very rare for men like that to change. Like the 1% or something but it is abuse even when he apologises

This is 😨 scary

Wtf, how are you even questioning this. Why would you still be texting with someone making those sorts of threats about your baby?!

You need to get away as far as you can!! You need to get away from this man!! for your baby and yourself safety!! You need to get a restraining order..Like Now!! You need to move a place , where he can’t find u to Different states if possible!! Girl please don’t stay!!

you are not safe ! he isn’t even safe you need to report him and he needs to be evaluated. be safe and leave! also tell someone you love and trust that you are leaving so they can make sure you are safe!

baby girl… RUN

Please be very careful, how can one think of something like this and even text that to their partner! He needs psychiatrists' help. It's very scary

@Gemma he wasnt talking about the baby. He automatically thinks I'm cheating when I try to get space so he's referring to my “side piece” but I understand what you mean.

If you block him and he calls from different numbers you can block unknown callers

@Destiny how

@Mara don’t wait till he says he says direct he’s going to hurt him, that’s child endangerment and your baby daddy needs mental help starting with a psych evaluation

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I’m not sure if you have an iPhone but on iPhone you go to settings-phone- scroll down to “silence unknown callers”

Yep not right in the head

Get out while you can. That’s my best advice - this doesn’t get better or easier

This isn’t ‘normal’ behavior I would be out for the sake of your child if not for yourself- it’s quite disturbing

Get out; get counseling; take a long break before considering a new relationship. You need a major detox time if you're asking if this is o.k. You can heal and you can have a healthy relationship eventually, but you need to fix your perspective of what you learned was acceptable behavior. I'm sorry you're currently in this situation, don't prolong it ❤️

Go to the cops. Now.

Omgggg girl he is the definition of red flag RUN. He is crazy ! Don’t overlook what he just said he confirmed he’s crazy And who in there right mind would make threats like that ?!??!! Exactly no one ! He’s controlling and has an obsession of control and thrives off of it

I’m so sorry to hear that this is going on but you need to think about you and your baby now as you are both main priority ☺️by the sounds of it is definitely not a safe person for you and your baby to be around. I was in a really nasty relationship like this and unfortunately it only gets worse. When you are in the relationship you don’t actually realise how bad it is until you get out of it and look back. I hope you can get the help that you need❤️

I'm in a very similar situation if you ever need someone to talk to... stay safe..

Please get out of this relationship. If not for the sake of yourself, then do it for the sake of your unborn child. This isn't 'just an argument,' and honestly, it'll get worse when the baby arrives.

I was with someone like this and it gets worse the longer you stay, so leave quicker than later ❤️

I really hope you leave and never look back. Keep the screenshots and shoot for full custody because that is absolutely insane. Also get a restraining order because it doesn’t seem like he will be okay with leaving you alone.

RUN! this is not okay

No way a bloke should talk to a women like that. U deserve better , get away from him he dont seem right in the head tbh x

RUN. and if u stay ur not only hurting urself but ur also hurting your future baby putting them in a toxic environment with that guy.

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I'd tell him he was right I was being a slut and the baby isn't his file for protection change my number and leave that man alone

That ain’t love. If you have any sense about you, you would leave as soon as possible and protect that child.

@Mara restraining order

Report all of this to the police and then you can begin to build a case against him, then if contact does stop you will have all of this evidence to back you up to support the fact that you’re saying he’s not mentally ok and you’re concerned about your child’s safety. I had similar but it’s so hard if you don’t report each tiny thing. Hope you’re ok x

Leave before this turns into something way way worse. Sounding like a murderer from those murder docs I watch 😐

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