
If your June 21 baby still naps what time do they nap and when do they go to bed?
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If he have nap he fall asleep around 12 something and then wake him up after 1h. Don't let him sleep after2pm . He asleep by 8pm . But he don't have every day . It's more days when he don't have like have

11:30ish for an hour and asleep by 7:30/8

We’re going through the phase where if he doesn’t nap, he’s cranky by 5pm till his 8pm bed time and if he does have a nap he doesn’t sleep till 10pm 🥲

In nursery he will nap on days off so Monday Friday and weekends not a chance of him napping lol but each night we go to bed for 7pm and will be asleep by 8 if no nap he will be out cold within 10minutes at 7

She does. Goes to nap around 12–12:30. In nursery she naps 1,5 hours average . At home It can be up to 2,5-3 hours . We start bedtime routine around 7:30 pm. It does take longer for her to fall asleep, 8:30-8:45 usually. But she sleeps longer now in the morning, wakes around 6-6:25 instead of 5:30. Sometimes she doesn’t nap, but that’s very rare.

My little girl naps on nursery days but not home days. She goes to bed at same time regardless (7/7.30)x

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