Feel immune to the crying now
She cries most of the time when I put her down, so now I just feel immune to it. I’ll carry on pumping or finishing my dinner or whatever, saying “yes yes, I’ll get to you in just a moment”. If she starts the screamy crying then I feel bad and give her a cuddle, but the fussy crying just doesn’t phase me now.
Is this normal? I feel like such a shitty mum sometimes, especially when someone comes over (mostly my mum) and they see me just not really react to her cries.
Honestly I feel similar sometimes. My partner can't stand our little girl crying and gets really stressed as soon as she starts, but I'm much more chill about it now, I think because I'm alone with her all day there are times I HAVE to leave her cry so I can wee, get dressed, get myself a glass of water .....I don't leave her cry for long but sometimes you need to look after yourself and it may mean you can't get to them immediately, and I think once you've gotten used to that the crying in general doesn't effect you in the same way. My partner is always really shocked at how calm I am when she screams the house down in the evening and it makes me feel guilty, like I should be really effected by it, but because I've gotten used to it in the day I just can stay calm