Anyone else got an ill baby and just you feel like smacking your head up the wall

Milo’s literally just fallen asleep while sat up in the bath 🤦🏼‍♀️ *currently watching the rash because it only appeared in the bath so hoping it’s heat rash and nothing else 😓 (it was only a heat rash)
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Oh poor baby. My little one has been poorly for 4 weeks now. Had antibiotics and been back to the doctors 2 weeks ago and her chest is still rattly and wheezing. Never know when to see a dr again or just wait for it to go. Thankfully we are so much better in herself. Hope you’re ok. It’s so hard to see you baby poorly xx

@Stacie it’s bloody horrible isn’t it! Milo’s been ill for 2 weeks got put on antibiotics on Tuesday and had a reaction to them making him so much worse 🤦🏼‍♀️ he’s refusing food and can’t keep milk down but everytime I call 111 they just say keep giving him fluid like yeh I bloody am but it comes back up within 15 minutes how the hell am I supposed to keep him hydrated when he brings it straight back up.. just keep giving him water 😤 actually angers me cuz I’ve got visions on him ending up dehydrated I’ve taken him to 3 different doctors since Tuesday and they’re all no help aswell

@Katie not the same situation at all but my little girl had really bad reflux so every feed we gave her came up again and it looked like it was everything. It always looked like more than it was though. He will be keeping some down. As long as he is weeing then it's working, just really not nice for you. We are currently dealing with a hacking cough and screaming because I won't let her climb the stairs 🙃 fun days

@Claire honestly I don’t think he’s weeing either but it’s so hard to tell because tmi but he’s pooing water pretty much every 30 minutes 🤦🏼‍♀️ Milo’s constantly moaning nothing I do stops him from moaning it’s so draining! He’s usually such a happy, independent baby that loves his food but he won’t even put food near his mouth now

@Katie that is so awful, I’m so so sorry. How can they not do something to help. Do they know what it is that’s causing it? X

@Stacie they honestly seem clueless! He literally had a cold and red rings around his eyes when I took him to doctors on Tuesday and since he had the antibiotic he’s just been SO ill so they changed his antibiotic but hes just as bad! I can’t lie after two days on two different antibiotics I’ve just not given him them today to see if it’s them that’s causing it because one of the doctors did say they personally wouldn’t of given antibiotics just the other stuff he’s been given for his eyes 🤦🏼‍♀️ I get that all doctors are different but for the last one we saw to wonder why he was even given antibiotics makes me wonder aswell and I wonder if the second doctor we saw even knew why he was on antibiotics or if he just changed them to get rid of me.

Oh Katie is he still no better? Poor little boy 😭

Oh poor baby he must be so exhausted 🥹 don’t be afraid to take him to hospital if you’re really concerned about dehydration if he’s not keeping anything down and it’s coming out the other end too! X

@Kate nope 😓 everytime I think things are finally looking up it just suddenly gets a lot worse 🤦🏼‍♀️ I need that corner to cry in! I’ve had to wake my partner up early today because I just can’t do it I need a break!

@Yaz he’s definitely exhausted 😫 he’s gone from the one nap a day he’s been having for over 3 months of 2-3 naps a day 🤦🏼‍♀️ I did debate taking him ane but looked at waiting times and i darent it’s to long of a wait for him to be sat in a room full of other ill people 😔

@Katie 😢😢 poor baba, hope he gets better soon! Isn’t it a bloody shame that sometimes we can be wary to seek help because of waiting times, shouldn’t be like that! Not sure what your local a&e is like but in one of mine they have a paediatric department and we’ve been seen so quickly the two times I have taken her so may be worth checking if you feel you need to go x

@Katie oh Katie if I was close to you I would come give you a hand I know how tough it is especially when your solo parenting, are you allowed to give him calpol/nurofen whilst he's on the meds? Normally gives Emilia a proper boost, will he eat any chocolate just to get some sugar in him which could boost his energy or maybe some orange juice/apple juice etc really hope he's over it soon, when your partner is off work take a good few hours for yourself away from the home and just give your brain a break 💕

If your worried about dehydration have tried the dioralyte? I had to get it for emila when she had diarrhoea for 10 days it's to stop dehydration, keeps the salts etc in his body, bless him 💔

I'm no medical expert by any means and my baby could be very different but I definitely think I'd go to A&E.. if he's having loose stools every 30 minutes and not keeping fluids down he's bound to be dehydrated and I'd be really concerned if my wee boy fell asleep sitting up in the bath because it would be really unlike him. My little boy had a cold and a rash appeared a couple of days after and they were more than happy to have him seen by out of hours on a bank holiday. Fingers crossed for you he feels better soon x

@Kate we’ve been told to make sure he’s having calpol 3-4 times a day but not to give nurofen but that does seem to help in anyway either 🤦🏼‍♀️ he helped himself to some chocolate I left lying around for him but he put it in his mouth n instantly spat it back out! My living room is covered in his favourite foods currently just to try get him to go over pick one up n eat it but it’s not working and he refuses juice but he’s never liked it 🤦🏼‍♀️ My husband last night bless him messaged me at 9pm when I finally managed to put milo bed telling me there was food on the way 🤣 he ordered me food because he knows how rough it is atm and he didn’t complain when I had to wake him 2 hours early he just came downstairs grabbed milo give him a cuddle got him to settle n cleaned yet more sick up no questions 😅 it’s great having his support but now I’ll feel guilty all day knowing he’s lost 2 hours sleep because of me 🤦🏼‍♀️ Ooo I’ve never heard of that, I’ll have a look!

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@Nikita we saw a peads doctor on Tuesday night and he didn’t seem bothered at all when he asked how often he was filling his nappy n being sick 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ve never seen anything like it with him falling sleep in the bath so I had to record it 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ it gets worse because after he almost fell and woke himself up he started trying to drink the bath water like a dog 😫 he’s clearly so thirsty but just can’t keep it down him

N when I say like a dog I really do mean it 😔

I'd definitely ring 111 and demand to see an out of hours doctor at least. Don't know how it is where you are, but our out of hours doctors are in our local hospital, so they'll see you and, if necessary send you to the childrens ward for observation /tests etc. If it's not like that, I'd definitely take him to a&e, they should see a baby as a priority!

How is his rash now ? I’d keep an eye on that , not that I want to worry you but Measles are doing the rounds and that rash could be heat rash but looks slightly similar

I have a very poorly LB his temp has been reaching 40.2 - we went to urgent care and they basically were no help at all even with me showing evidence of his temperature at certain points throughout the day. He screamed for about 6 hours straight last night and finally fell asleep through pure exhaustion from crying and screaming. Its been horrible. They suspect it’s a ear infection and tonsillitis yet have given absolutely nothing and told me to carry on with calpol and neurofen that clearly aren’t working! We’re on day 4 and the temp seems to be more consistent at 37.8-38.2 but he’s still just screaming and moaning 24/7 and I actually want to jam my head in the oven! Hold in there girl; we’ve got this xx

@Katie this sounds dangerous. Not to freak you out but my friends baby passed away in a similar situation. Go put that baby in an IV, fluids are necessary. Fight for him, 111 can F off.

@Lilita he saw an out of hours peads doctor Tuesday night but they don’t seems to care ☹️

@Amy his rash has gone thank god!

@Katie so did my friend, she went back to pediatrician around four times in Vienna and they kept saying she was fine. She was not fine. Her organs had began shutting down already. She showed up at the emergency room and demanded to be seen. It was too late

@Katie ah that’s good then it’s such a worry when they are little , hope he feels better soon bless him x

@Izzie oh no! Everytime we’ve taken Milo’s temp it’s been in the normal rage but the high end. I honestly feel like doctors have become useless I have problems myself n as bad as it is I just buy my own tablets now from a ‘friend’ I know what I need better than the doctors 🤦🏼‍♀️ I used to have to tell my doctor what to prescribe now I’ve just given up 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope your lo gets better soon!!

@Kat honestly I am scared because it’s been going on a few days and he’s basically slept all day today but according to our local waiting time app there’s a 5 hour wait for the children’s side of ane!! It’s ridiculous! I’m currently waiting for a ‘urgent’ call back from his gp but they don’t seem to be in a rush I’ve been waiting for an hour 😓

Poor guy! He definitely doesn’t look well, it must be so scary for you. Honestly, I would camp out in a&e and refuse to leave, but I know it’s such a miserable place to spend hours hanging out with no guarantee they’ll do anything 😓 Niko caught chicken pox there after being hospitalised for bronchiolitis Why did they say no ibuprofen? It’s the only thing that’s helping Niko, the paracetamol isn’t doing anything. Have you tried banana mushed up with milk? It’s all Niko will eat right now, although he’s going to be constipated as hell. The doctor we saw yesterday said give him anything to drink, whether milk, water, juice, squash… as long as there’s liquid. Have you tried watermelon? Any rehydration powders? A lot of questions, sorry! I’m just parroting what the doctor told me yesterday. I really hope he starts to improve soon x

@Katie idk how it works over there, can’t you drive him there? General practitioners won’t put an IV in him in the US, there is no children’s hospital?

@Hazel he seems so much worse today he’s basically been asleep all day! He fell asleep in the bath a little over an hour after he woke up so I put him to bed he slept for I don’t know how long woke up had some milk was sick everywhere n fell asleep again and he’s still asleep now 😫 I’ve tried everything I even give the banana and milk a try last night after you said 🤢 that was a no go! We’ve tried all sorts with him drinking and he’s now drinking pretty much everything but it doesn’t stay down any longer than 15 minutes 😫 fuck he was trying to drink his bath because of how thirsty he clearly is! I’m waiting for a ‘urgent’ call back from his gp currently because I just don’t know what to do but I’ve been waiting an hour 🙄

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@Kat I can take him but it’s a 5 hour wait to be seen by the doctor. But if the gp says he needs to go he’ll be referred and the wait time will basically be cut in half as it’s seen more urgent 🤷🏼‍♀️

That baby needs an IV please go get one. Mix pedyalite with water, give him little by little in the mean time so he can keep it in, the faster he drinks, the faster it’ll come back up

In here, if they notice the baby is too unwell, they’ll see him right away and skip the other baby’s. It goes in order of who comes first but if there is an emergency then no doubt they’ll see him. You call your go and tell him they if anything happens to your baby you’re gonna sue him for medical malpractice. Make sure he sees that youre not messing around.

I know to someone can be wierd but if he is vomiting and pooing a lot try to give a bit of Coca Cola but without gas. We all was sick 2 weeks ago and only this helped. Just give little sips ever few minutes.

@Klaudia it’s the sugar that helped, not the Coca Cola. Body can’t absorb water if there isn’t enough sodium in it as well, that’s why electrolytes are perfect

@Klaudia also, Coca Cola has an ingredient in it, phosphoric acid, that suppresses nausea so that would help with the vomiting probably.

Poor little baby. I would take him to A&E personally wouldn’t wait any longer for the doctors. My little boy had croup a few weeks back & I took him in twice, he was seen within a few hours & fully checked over & treated. Even if there’s nothing they can do might be best to get him checked out due to the concern of dehydration & the lethargic behaviour like that 💔xx

Bless hope all is ok. Yes i agree dont stay at home and wait. Go to the hospital for a check over if u cant get in the docs, please dont leave it . Have you done the glass test? Roll a glass over rash and check it disappears , u have to be very careful with rashes it could be anything worst thing u can do is leave it , im praying 🙏 its nothing serious xxx

He doesnt look well in the photo bless him x

@Katie ring them back again or call 111 they sometimes can get u in somewhere local for emergency.

The waiting times to be seen if hosp it a pisstake but i rather wait an be seen then not be seen at all. u need a doctor to fully check him over , even if hes being sick try keep pushing fluids down him hope he isnt dehydrated. Poor little thing ❤️ xx

@Katie how is Milo doing now? Really hope GP has got back to you. It’s absolutely shocking. Sending hugs x

Is there another childrens a&e local to you? Might be worth calling up your nearest ones and then going to the one with the smallest wait time. I know we have 3 local to me that I can go to

@Katie aww he seems really good! How lovely is that 💗 is he still managing to drink water? I'd say if he wakes up the same tomorrow to go a&e again because his poor body must be so hungry and thirsty x

I remember when Emilia was poorly I rang 111 and they got me an app at the walk in centre to save the wait time, I hope the doctors have got back in touch with you, after reading the rest of the comments I think he needs to be seen, it's shocking they aren't doing anything at all to help him xx

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Awwwy poor baby man ! The hospital is packed ! My partner waited 6 hours in the ambulance other day outside the hospital with his boss because there was no space for his boss !! Ridiculous ain’t it xx

Poor baby. The rash does look like a heat rash. Hope Milo feels better soon

Personally I would go to a and e. At this age they really can't tell us how they are feeling and we are the only ones who can advocate for them and the gps aren't listening to you. Been in a similar situation with my eldest just being fobbed off all the time it's ridiculous! Hope he feels better soon poor little man x

@Katie personally, I’d be in the office waiting those 5hours to see the doctor rather than get unprofessional opinions on here. It’s been 5 hours since you last said that.. has he been seen by a doctor yet? If he’s not keeping anything down & it’s coming out of both ends, he is more than likely very dehydrated which can cause nausea and vomiting itself. He needs an IV.

How is he has he seen a doctor yet

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