My son is going 2.5 months and HATES tummy time. when I lay him down on flat, he’ll endure it for a quick minute and then start screaming to be pick up again. he doesn’t even like it if I put roll up a towel and put it under his chest or a small pillow he does okay when I lay him on my chest but he still doesn’t like it very much. it doesn’t last more than 5 minutes so I try break it up a bit throughout the day but I’ll admit, im not doing tummy time as much as I probably should be but only because I know he hates it. is it normal.. I feel like I’m not doing good enough to help him reach this milestone. anybody else going through the same and any tips? so I’m going back to work soon, I’m EBF and I really want to begin to help my son stop comfort eating so he can more than THAT WAY to go to sleep. it’ll be good for him in the long run. he doesn’t take pacifiers and he also knows the difference between a pacifier and the real thing. sometimes, he ain’t hungry, just wants to latch on just for the comfort of it. Im really trying to get him to stop because I need him to be able to nap and sleep without almost always being latched on. any tips or advice?
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That’s normal babe- you’re clearly trying your hardest to introduce it as much as possible. Some babies just dislike tummy time more than others. He will come around eventually- just keep introducing it like you are. You’re doing a great job! Trying to entertain him in tummy time helped prolong it for my guy. As far as the comfort nursing, that’s tough when they don’t take a pacifier (my 2nd is in the same boat)- he found his hands around month 4 and uses those to self soothe, but at 2.5 months an alternative id have to use sometimes would be my pinky finger (nail cut very short) for him to suck on for comfort. Or when id rock/bounce him to sleep he’d fuss for a while but I’d just find a rhythm he liked and eventually he’d fall asleep.

@Chelsea the pacifier will be in his mouth for only about two good minutes before he spits it out. he doesn’t care for it much. rocking and bouncing him while walking around does help alot, but he’s sooo used to the comfort feeding and I don’t want him to suffer much when I’m back working.

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