How accurate is my conception date?

So I have always had a very normal cycle, tracked my cycle every month to the T on multiple platforms and every time I got a notification my period was coming in 2 days. It came ON THAT DAY. No & if or butts. I was intimate with a partner on Dec 5th. Got my period on Dec 7th and it lasted about 6 days, regular flow. Was intimate with my ex on the 15thfor a consecutive week with no protection after my period.. and tested positive on December 31st. Went directly to the ER with a HCG level of 156 through bloodwork and nothing visible on the ultrasound due to being too early. I’m positive that my ex is the father due to not being protected & due to the timing. I’m 17 weeks & 6 days based on my last period. I also tested for pregnancy after my period ended. Wasn’t feeling anything, just not on BC and take a test every other month to be safe. Me & his dad decided to do a paternity test when he gets here. It just puts me on edge at the thought that anyone else could be the father as me and my ex (current partner) are back together and excited to welcome a baby.
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Definitely the one around Dec 15.

I got pregnant in November on the 26th and didn’t find out until December 24th bc it didn’t pop up until then, so I have no clue

@Zoey do you have a regular cycle every month?


@Zoey that is definitely interesting, did you have your period in between finding out?

@Zoey a lot of people don’t find out until later like you, my period was however two days away and I had all the regular symptoms it was coming except my breast were 20x more tender than my regular cycle & I was using the bathroom a ton. So I knew something was off. Tested 1 days before my period was due with the early pregnancy test from clear blue.

@Zoey no way to really tell until he gets here I guess lol.

No, I had my period in November before getting pregnant and was supposed to be getting mine, I was 2 days late when I tested bc I figured something was up and found out I was pregnant

I had my period on 11/28 and ended 12/2. Conception for me would have been around 12/8. I am currently 19 weeks today. I think the guy on the 15th would be the father.

By the way I track everything with my our ring and that’s how I was able to determine ovulation and conception.

By the way I tested positive on Christmas.

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