Colitis during pregnancy

Quick question for you all… Were any of you / have any of you been told to take blood thinners ( injections) during your pregnancy ? I am 29 weeks. I have only just been told to start taking them as I’m more at Risk of clotting due to my colitis!! I HATE needles and shocked I’ve only just been informed of this. First time today and it’s very painful. I have to do this every day and right until 6 weeks after giving birth too 😖😖 On another note, has anyone opted for a c-section with chrons/ colitis ? I’m slightly concerned about it causing flare ups as they can move your bowel around quite a bit during the procedure so I’ve been told. ??
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Hi there, Crohn’s sufferer here! I started on blood thinning injections throughout my pregnancy probably around the 29 week mark too. Can totally empathise with you they are awful 😣, small tip I found to help reduce the pain and bruising is to pinch the skin where your injecting with your finger and thumb and it should help reduce lumps, bruising and pain. I was black and blue at the end of pregnancy 😩. I was told you can inject in your stomach but I didn’t like the idea of it so I always alternated the tops of my thighs. I had an elective section due to my Crohn’s disease as I was at risk of 4th degree tears (front and back passage) if I had a natural birth, I was so scared leading up to the c section but the team who done my section were amazing and put me at ease so much, you genuinely can not feel a thing! Couldn’t even feel them lifting my legs when inserting catheter 🤣. If I ever have more children I would definitely opt for a section again. Here if you have any other questions x

@Olivia thank you so much!! See, when I left the hospital today they said it ‘must be in your stomach’ if I was told legs… I would feel much more comfortable about this. Maybe I will ask them again Monday… my stomach is quite big now. Hard to grab any extra skin as it is!! 😖😖 And without being ott… were you comfortable using the loo afterwards ? I’m constantly thinking imagine I strain one time and pull stitches or it hurts so bad 🤣💩

Hiya colitis sufferer here I only had blood thinners after my c section and I feel you they are so painful had me in tears but I found using an ice pack to try and numb the area first helped a bit and mine was in my thighs different one each night. And regarding the c section I had elected one as my boy was breech for while and at risk of being on the large size. My first was 9.4lb and natural but after the c section I actually found it easier to go to the toilet than natural birth someone told me use a small pillow to apply pressure to the stitches if need to but I didn't. I also had oral morphine to help with the pain. And I'm now 3.5 months after the c section and I'm in a slight flare and I think part of it is as the inside all going back into place but it's no where near as bad of a flare from my first natural birth. Sorry rambling hope that helps and makes sense 🤣 XX good luck!!

@Brooke yeah definitely ask again as I didn’t like the idea of injecting in my stomach either and felt much more comfortable knowing I could inject in my legs! I know what you mean it would be really awkward! I was really constipated after birth so I took stool softeners to help make things a little easier as I had major anxiety about the stitches bursting open too hahaha! It’s a little sensitive the first few days but the hospital were amazing at keeping ontop of my pain relief, they’ll also give you pain relief to take home too, just make sure you take it if you do opt for a section and take it easy!! I’d just moved house 3 days before giving birth so I was doing a lot more than I should have when I got home. It’s major surgery so definitely keep rested x

Oh I was also given lactulose after birth to help bowel movements but I'm not sure how mine was ok so didn't need it think it was all the IV fluid they pumped into me and I drunk so much as well made me so thirsty after. X

@Kirsty thank you!!! 😇

@Olivia thank you so much!!

Heya hope you are doing well. My sister has crohns and a blood clotting disorder. These led to her having a C-section and the blood thinning injections you mentioned. Try giving the injections very slowly as that can help with the pain. Also I believe it’s a fairly common circumstance with crohns to be advised to have a C-section in case of scar tissue that causes complications. The injections help reduce miscarriages also. The good news is my sister had a beautiful baby girl. The only complications she had was her wound took a while to heal. I hope everything goes well for you :) xx

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