
I got a positive pregnancy test 5 days before my missed period. I’ve had 2 back to back miscarriages (one in Oct and one in Feb). According to my period tracking app I’m 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I don’t know why I had an inkling to take a pregnancy test while I was making dinner. I’m so terrified this will end bad. I want to take another test but husband said to wait a few days. Anyone find out super early?
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According to my tracking app I found out at 3+1 so it’s felt like an eternity already and I’m only 4+4. I’m the same as you in that I’m absolutely terrified and overthinking everything but I’m taking it day by day and trying to enjoy every moment that I’m pregnant. Let’s hope this is our time ❤️ wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy and huge congratulations x

I found out at 2 weeks 6 day 9 days before my missed period the wait was anxious as and scary ❤️ I pray you have a healthy pregnancy and congratulations

I found out on saturday 8dpo 6 days before expected period I had an inkling to and awful heart burn which I had my whole pregnancy with my son. I got my positive on a digital 1-2 weeks today at 10dpo. I’ll feel a bit better once I miss my period. My loss was a MMC at 11+4 weeks found out at 12 week scan so think my anxiety will worsen as that approaches 😣

I’ve had 4 miscarriages and I’m currently almost 7 weeks pregnant. I also found out super early at 3w2d and I’m still so terrified. Best advice is to take it day by day. Today you are pregnant, your past is not your future and previous losses do not mean you will have future losses. I have to tell myself that everyday. It’s also okay to have hope and be excited, it’s not going to jinx anything. I wish you the best! ❤️

wat is the tracking app ?name

I found out early too because I take pregnancy tests each month or every few months. I wasn’t exactly sure how far along I was but I was less than 4-5 wks because nothing showed up in the ultrasound. So they rescheduled another ultrasound and I saw the baby on the screen ( 5 wks 6 days.) I had a miscarriage too before this pregnancy so I understand how scary everything is. Especially in the first trimester I would always be scared of bleeding again and miscarrying. Now I’m in the 3rd trimester and the baby is healthy, but I still feel anxious. I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and feel at peace soon.

Thank you everyone for your encouraging words. Congrats to everyone who’s pregnant and I wish you all a heathy pregnancy

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