
Had a sweep at 40 weeks yesterday. Not feeling anything at the moment, does this mean it’s failed or is there still a chance something can happen tonight despite not feeling any different in the past 24 hours
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@Hayley ? Xx

I think they usually advise to give it 48 hours to see if it works, that's what my midwife told me anyway x

I had a sweep Monday my due date and gave birth Thursday not sure if it was the sweep or he was just ready xx

I am the same as you - 40 weeks yesterday and had a sweep. No changes yet here x

@Aimee aww congrats how far gone were you when you had your sweep x

I had a sweep Sunday morning and had mild period like cramps on Monday. Second sweep Tuesday morning then intense contractions started Tuesday night. Lost mucus plus weds morning and waters went weds evening.

@Louise Following🙂. I’m interested in the answers as this may be me next wk x

Update - had my sweep on Friday and not gone into labour despite midwife telling me I had a ‘favourable cervix’ 😩

@Louise I could have written this myself! 4pm today will be 48 hours since my sweep and nothing going on here… Thinking of you!

@Emily ahh good luck!💕💕 thinking of you too

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