Negative blood type

Anyone else negative? My midwife called to say they’ll need to test the babys blood at 18 weeks as only 8% of women have negative blood & theres a chance my body will try and create antibodies against a different blood type in my body.. they can give me injections to help stop this. A bit concerned how they’ll take the babys blood. Wondering if anyone else is in the same situation?
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They will give you an anti D injection it's nothing to worry about x

They can take your blood and there will be tiny pieces of babys DNA in there so they can work out whether they're rhesus negative or not. This is pretty common and the NHS has got it figured out so don't worry

Great thanks both! Glad the blood can be taken from my DNA instead ☺️☺️

My mum does and had multiple kids never been an issue for her x

My sister had this! All she did was got an injection when she was 6 months & she had no problems at all!! This is very common

I’m A- but haven’t heard about this yet, had my bloods done by the midwife the other day though so might hear soon

It will also depend on your partner if I am right. If you are both negative you are ok. If he is positive, then there is the possibility. If it’s your first, you will get an injection as Rhea said at about 6 months and then again after birth. First pregnancy they are usually not worried. One thing I will say, that injection is the least pleasant you will get in your pregnancy…. :-)

I'm A- ☺️ I was told that I'll get a normal blood test through my arm to test the babies blood type so no risk of mixing blood ☺️ my partner's mum is also rhesus negative and she had 3 children with no issues x

@Anna yeah they said if he was negative too it’d be fine so hes going to have a blood test too but think hes positive. Good to know when the injections are going to be & how painful they might be… all worth it! 👶🏻

@Jessica my midwife phoned be about 2 weeks after my blood test X

I’m B- and had to have anti-D with one of my losses I needed surgery for. It’s all very routine now. I remember my granny saying it was risky and she was so impressed that it’s essentially eradicated as an issue now.

I’m O- and had an A+ baby no problems, it’s fine these days xx

I'm A- , and in my last pregnancy I just had an anti D jab at the beginning of third trimester, didn't hurt at all 😊 they then took some blood from the umbilical cord at delivery to check babys blood type, and as he was A+ (same as my husband) I had another anti D jab after delivery. It really wasn't a big deal and the jabs didn't hurt at all 🙂 xx

@Eleanor thanks so much! this is really reassuring! we we’re going to book a holiday but have been putting it off as we didn’t know when the jabs would be or anything but it seems simple with the one jab a bit later on and one after birth ☺️xx

I’m also rhesus negative. Blood test in my first pregnancy showed my baby was rhesus positive so I had to have an anti d injection. No problems and the same will probably happen again this time round :-)

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