Positive smear test and high grade dyskaryosis

Hi ladies my test results came back positive and high grade dyskaryosis should I be worried I’m so scared I don’t know what to think 😭😭
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I had this a couple of years ago, even though I read the letter I didn’t realise that they remove the cells on that first appointment, so be prepared for that. I wouldn’t worry about anything atm as they have to send the cells off to be tested.

@Danielle okay could I already have cancer 💔 I’m so scared

Yeah I had this in 2022. They also removed the cells on the first apt. I Think if they can physically see the abnormal cells they just do it there and then. Does the letter say moderate or severe high grade dyskaryosis? Mine was moderate and it turned out to be grade 2 pre cancer. My friend went and had cancerous cells but because she went regularly to her check ups Ie every three years they did the same treatment on her as on me and removed all the cancer cells cos it was so early. She does have to go yearly for check ups but other than that she’s all clear and able to carry on as normal. In fact she’s just had a baby as well. ❤️❤️. Hopefully it’s just precancerous ❤️❤️but if not she said they were very quick and good at treating it and she’s all fine now. Sending lots of love and positive thoughts xx

@Hannah say high grade I’m so scared

Aww maybe not all say which one etc then cos mine was high grade but only moderate high grade. I know it’s so scary. I was terrified but they are usually very quick at seeing you. I was seen within a week of getting the results and they were amazing at the hospital ❤️❤️. Here if you need to chat. Hopefully you’ll get your apt soon as the waiting is deffo the worst bit. Xx

@Hannah yea im scared I’ve already got it and its too late todo anything 💔

I had high grade and a leep 3 years ago. Haven't had an abnormal pap since. I say that to say, it's scary but just know that it will be okay just don't wait on treatment.

@Austianna okay thank you got to book my first appointment tomorrow has fall on the wrong day 💔 so hopefully won’t be waiting long

I had severe a few years back but when they looked they said it was actually a very small patch but a high concentration of bad/abnormal cells. So they waited to see if it sorted itself out and took a biopsy, they did end up removing them in the end. But just because it's high or severe it doesn't mean it's widespread so try not to worry

@Natalie thank you hopefully 🤞 xx

Mine said that too and they removed all the cells in a painless procedure . Don’t worry

@Lianne thank you 😊 I’m trying to think positive and for appointment for 1st may xx

I’ve started spotting so now in thinking is this related to that or am I just stressed too much 💔😢

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