Lots of sleeping

Is it normal to have the occasional days where your baby just sleeps loads? She’s 2 months today and had her jabs on Wednesday. She slept overnight for 11 hours straight without waking up!! And so far today I’ve logged roughly 5 and a half hours of her sleeping since she woke at 9am this morning (I also had to wake her up from her overnight sleep as she didn’t wake up herself) I did go out today so about an hour and a half was her sleeping in the car but she’s pretty much only woken for a bottle then gone to sleep whereas usually in the day she will only stay asleep for about half an hour max although usually I try to put her down in her moses basket which wakes her up but as I was out she was sleeping on myself and family members so not sure if that’s part of it.
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Mine is the same and he is almost 3 months old. The health visitor says it normal as it means they growing the more they sleep. They should wake themselves up if they hungry or need a nappy change.

My little one is nearly 14 weeks and some days she sleeps for ages to the point where I have to wake her in the day for her feeds, she’s slept through since she was 10 weeks old and I don’t wake her for night feeds cause she doesn’t wake so she is clearly content and happy! But other days she hardly naps! I’ve come to the conclusion that some days she’s doing her growing and other days she is trying to learn new stuff!

@Bean she is quite good usually sleeps about 7-9 hours straight from around 9pm so usually wakes up around 5am give or take an hour for a bottle then goes back to sleep for 3-4 hours so this morning she basically skipped a bottle to sleep more. I have read the more sleeping means they’re growing etc🥹 still want my teeny baby though haha x

My little girl is the same, she’s nearly 12 weeks and has days where she hardly naps and then others where she makes up for it! Apparently it’s absolutely normal and she’s sleeping through the night most nights as well now!

@Ellie She’s a good sleeper babs! I can safely say the more sleep they have the more they are growing! I often look at my baba and want to cry cause she isn’t the tiny baby she was when we brought her home! But the amount of development she’s done is unreal! Some days I am blown away at what she has figured out! Also don’t worry about her missing a bottle, I was obsessed about how much food she was eating but I have realised that some days she will drink loads other days she won’t but she is still happy and content! Xx

Mine is nearly 10 weeks old and barely naps in the evening and always wakes up ever 2/3hrs in the night

My boy wasn't quite the same after his jabs for a few days. I would just let them feed and sleep when they want. I've not heard of a baby that age sleeping for 11 hours though. Hope you took advantage of that 😂

@Susan to be honest I woke up at 7am concerned she hadn’t woke and checked she was breathing😂 I did manage to eat cereal, have a coffee and do some cleaning in peace though before I had to wake her up. Xx

@Ellie yeah I know love ☺️ I was making light of it 👍♥️ I would've been worried too if mine slept for that long. On occasion I've got to check too when my lad is too quiet but where we live the air quality is rubbish so he's always sniffling and snoring anyway 😂

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