Can’t watch so I hide🫣

So I need to know what to do or if this isn’t normal. I seriously cannot watch other people interact with my baby or else I will snatch him away from them and leave the room with the world’s worst attitude. I have no idea why I am like this to literally everyone including my husband. I don’t even want someone touching him at all it makes my blood pressure rise and I swear there is steam coming out of my ears at times. How am I supposed to work through this?
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Haha kinda sounds normal haha I didn't really let or like people touching my babies eather but as they get older it gets easier hahaha

Thank you. I feel so crazy for being like this

Sounds like postpartum I’m babe! It’s normal. Just gotta work though it. Breathe. Get exposure therapy with safe people that respect your boundaries. That’s how I beat it!

i feel you girl i hate when family has my baby like give me my girl back idk i feel selfish😭🤣 shes my firstborn

I get it! I hate when most people hold my baby. I just hate how they act like they are “bonding” when the reality is my baby is only a few months old. They aren’t “bonding” with you…

I have a hard time with it and I always have everyone trying to have me leave him with them

Honestly I was the same at first but noticed it has started to calm down a bit because I realised I don’t want to later create accidental anxiety problems for her. She is honestly happy and chill around everyone so that definitely helped me relax, it’s when she doesn’t seem happy with other I will intervene

@Kyla trueee! That’s the other thing! If think about it, you’re also kinda letting baby get exposure therapy also. At some point, you will want a break. It will be much easier to feel comfy getting a break when they’re not screaming their heads off bc they’re comfy being around others.🤍

I don't mind it with family but other people I don't like it. My mom had let some friends of hers hold my baby and I was trying so hard not to panic and just take her back because I know she was safe and she wasn't going out of my sight.

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