How long from implantation*cramps* to positive test (no blood)

I'm maybe 8-9dpo, negative test but had implantation cramps a bit ago, I think. I felt pulling/twinging/cramping sensations for about 20 minutes?? Wondering how soon after implantation could I test positive? Or what was your experience? Test from today pictured below
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for me it was 1 day after implantation spotting but most women get a positive test results around 4-6 days after implantation remember don’t get discouraged until AF makes her presents

@Angelina what day dpo did you spot?

9 dpo for me tested with FERE the next afternoon

I've tested with multiple of the same pack of FR test early and often (talking about the strips not the stick from the same pack) NONE of the other strips looked like this at any point, not even hours or days later. This pic is 3hrs after test, I know they say not to look after 5 minutes, but NONE of the same exact strips looked like this 3 hrs later. I don't wanna be convinced either way just wondering if this is a possible positive? Or is it definitely an evap??

if it didn’t come up within 5 minutes it’s most likely a evap even if other tests didn’t get then i’ve had evaps that got darker and darker every test and wasn’t pregnant

Im 9DPO and got negative test yesterday but have had cramping on and off the last two days. Im hoping theres still chance as not due on till the weekend as heard 8-9DPO is still very early to test positive😬 Good luckk!

@Hannah thats reassuring! Im 9DPO and having period type cramps yesterday but worse today. Im not due on till Saturday so hoping it is implantation cramps 😬🤞🏼 x

@Victoria definitely could be! I know it’s so impossible not to test but truly the only way to know is to wait 😭 I was so discourage and thought I wasn’t pregnant because of all my negatives leading up. I was obsessed. I constantly compared my DPO to others on here and tik tok 🤣 when I hit my BFP I was SHOOOOOOOK

@Hannah omg im totally the same! Im tormenting myself reading different stories on here and tik tok then i go to sleep dreaming about it 🙈 its mental. Its so disheartening at times 🥺 but ill wait till the weekend and hopefully i get a BFP like you did 🤞🏼 x

@Victoria sending you baby dust!!! Keep me updated!

@Hannah got slight cramps today, and my discharge is darker than normal, id say light brown. I hope this isnt an early period as not due on till Saturday. Could it be implantation bleeding? Im 10DPO and testing negative 🥺x

Can you even having morning sickness at 10dpo???? @Hannah

No not morning sickness. That typically doesn’t happen until like 6 weeks of pregnancy. Maybe like slight nausea but definitely not full blown morning sickness. The mind is a powerful thing!! If you’ve convinced yourself you’re pregnant I wouldn’t be surprised that you’re getting these symptoms

It could be old implantation blood making it’s way out. And girl like I posted above I did not test positive until 14 DPO! This is normal. Most people don’t test positive until their missed period.

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