Negative tests and late

I’m always on time for my period. I’m now 5 days late and still getting negative tests. Top one was 1 day late and bottom was fmu today. I’m guessing this is me done this cycle just want AF to hurry up so can keep trying😭😭
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Mee too! 5 days late and 3 negative tests 😭

@Nikita Pankhania when are you going to retest?🫶🏼

I will probably test in another 2 days if I’ve not started. So frustrating😭 x

@Nikita Pankhania same here, please update me your results, I hope you get your baby this cycle🥰 Can I ask if you are experiencing any symptoms? X

This happened to me and turns out my body just decided to skip this month 😩

@Angela really!! What symptoms did you have? X

Nausea, headaches, tender boobs. I was convinced I was pregnant but all the tests were negative

@Angela oh I’m so sorry sweet😔 I’ve contacted my GP and requested bloods. I hate the waiting game, just give me my period or my positive yano 😴 x

I definitely will! Aww thank you, you too🥰 nope no symptoms at all which is sooo weird.

@Nikita Pankhania oh really!! See I’m having symptoms as if I’m coming on (like I normally would) but I’m also having nausea, being emotional and hot flushes which is weird for me x

I did the same, found I have high prolactin 😩 Hope you have good results

@Angela Thank you hun, have contacted my gp to request blood tests as still negative today😔 Last time I had a positive this late was on 7th day of missed period but I wasn’t testing inbetween, I just did one on the first day of missed period and did one on the 7th… I miscarried that pregnancy though so I’m hoping I am pregnant and it sticks this time♥️

Everything is crossed for you 🤞🏼 Xx

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