
Anyone help me? I’m 6dpo not missed period yet but had symptoms of pregnancy like I am so so tired and having headaches etc. I took a clear blue and it was a gain positive (the picture) then I took another a few hours later and it’s negative? I’m so confused and I don’t have access to anymore tests right now I know it isn’t an evap line and it’s definitely blue, it’s really hard to pick up on camera but is much stronger in person
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I see it but it looks like it could be evap. But also it could have been negative later in the day because you had more to drink so your per was more diluted. But also 6dpo is super early and most people don’t get positives then so that’s why I think it could be not there. And I see like half of it blue and then some isn’t blue so idk it just looks weird. I would try to buy some of those test strips on Amazon because those are cheap and you get a lot

6dpo is too early. Implantation typically happens 6-12dpo (8-10dpo being most common). Then it takes at least 48 hours to show positive on a pregnancy test.

@Amie sometimes even 4-7 days past implantion for some too ♥️ mins took 11 days first time ♥️

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