
Update for everyone who saw my last post, I took the faint positive tests yesterday even though I’m not late on period but felt pregnant today took a digital and another brand of tests today and all negative I’m so upset I thought this was it
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Oh Emily, I’m so sorry to hear that. Sending so much love your way ✨✨✨

You’re not out unless your period comes. Different brands of test are all over the place. Don’t get discouraged just yet ❤️

Have you tested a FRER? Digital id leave until absolute last! If you are showing in a clear blue, try a FRER if you are still puzzled, or wait until you are actually late xx

@Yog what is FRER?

Am I reading something wrong there is 2 lines which would indicate pregnancy???

@Xena I think that’s a reposted photo from yesterday which looked positive. We are still hoping for no AF and a BFP for Emily!

@Yog oh okay fingers crossed x

I'm afraid I had this aswel within 1 minute blue lines showed up then nothing 2 days later x

Keep trying. It took me nearly 2 years to get pregnant the first time round and I thought something was wrong with me. I think it just happens when it's supposed to but I know exactly how you feel as I remember how down I always felt when I'd get a negative. Try your hardest to be positive. Sending love 😘 xx

FRER is a First Response Early Reader, can test positive up to 6 days before expected period x

Wait until your period comes! Also keep in mind different tests pick up different levels of HCG! The Digitals you have to be over 25hcg for it to read anything! So just wait and keep testing with pink dye (first response) for the most accurate results! Best of luck! ❤️

Took a few more idk if I see lines or been looking too long

I think I see them xx

@Emily I see faints on the tests

I see faith lines! You should really try a first response! They’re a lot more accurate than clear blue!

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I can’t see anything on edited photos. But in any case, the tests are 25mIU/l. FRER is 6.3. So there’s a big margin there. I had a super faint on a FRER at 14dpo that a clear blue would never have seen. I’d say to wait in case you ovulated/implanted later and do a FRER.

I can see faint lines hun 🤞🤞 for you. With my son I didn't show up till 3 days late after my 28 day cycle ..so do. Frer today bit I definitely see faint lines xxxx

Definitely lines have a looked again, them digital ones take a while sometimes x

I’d definitely wait another 2 days and try FRER. Also try not edit the photos, just look at the tests for face value xx

I can see the lines!!

I’ve just worked out that the tests coming back positive are the clear blue ultra early ones and u haven’t missed my period as of yet

Definitely try a first response pink one. They were brilliant at detecting mine x

Done another today this is it

Can you just send the original without the edit?


Was it within the time frame?

It’s an encouraging sign! I’d still get a FRER and test in two days xx

@Yog yeah it took about 1minute to show up! But it’s definitely darker than the others!

@Emily so exciting! Get the FRER!! 😍😍

@Yog is first response a brand?

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I’ve tried looking for one but can’t find on anywhere where I live

@Emily yes. Make sure it’s First Response Early Results. It’s the most sensitive one. You can buy them on Amazon or from boots. https://www.firstresponse.com/en/product-listings/early-result-pregnancy-test

Boots you can do a stock check online and click and collect too. I got a two pack from Amazon to save going to boots. Superdrug I think have stopped selling them. The chemist might also have them.

Here’s the Amazon link babes: First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 2 Count (Pack of 1) https://amzn.eu/d/1cIUzaS

@Yog thank you!!

@Emily pleasure. Let us know how it goes! We are all hoping for a lovely dark line for you! ✨✨✨

@Yog here’s a better pic

@Emily it looks encouraging! I’m hoping someone with experience of line thickness can comment on this one.

Maybe its too early for the other test to detect ? Can you go get a hcg blood test done?

@Emma my doctors is shocking for getting people in they’re over staffed so they only do phone call appointments, I might try contacting maternity ward at hospital and see what they can do for me blood test wise

@Emily my doctors let you make a request via triage. You can then pick up a blood form and go to the walk in centre the same day. You do have to wait for the results though. It isn’t immediate xx

@Yog I’ll try that, thank you

Ahhh girl that looks for sure positive! That’s so exciting!!

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