No show

Mt period was due 25th April and nothing :( Still getting negatives In at lost
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Very upsetting for you. After 15dpo and nothing, I’d start hiit exercise workouts on YouTube to bring on my period. Hope you get one sign or the other soon x

@H thank you xx

@H where did you read HIIT will bring on a period? They can be more associated with stopping them.

If you are ovulation tracking, do you tracking at your usual time or before. I’ve randomly skipped a period and missed ovulation time as I simply waited for AF and it was picked up on blood test. I was fuming 🤣

@Yog I’m sure that can be true, especially if overdone. It just worked for me, don’t know whether it was about relaxing and accepting that it wasn’t meant to be this month. Plus it helped me feel good about my body (even if it wasn’t working in the way I wanted it too).

@H I think we just need to be mindful about what we recommend 😊 I’m so pleased it worked for you. Low BMI or hyperthermia issues, autoimmune conditions etc would need very different advice. 🖤

You have likely ovulated later than you think

@Yog Noo I was tracking when I was ovulating x

@Amy what does that mean? Xx

It means you ovulated later. Periods are never late as luteal phases are always roughly the same length, whereas the follicular phase varies in length. Did you track BBT or OPKs? BBT is the only thing which confirms ovulation.

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