@Belle thank you I really appreciate that it's just so upsetting because it's supposed to be my day :(
How come the dad won’t cooperate with just adjusting the schedule???
@Justine apparently they already made plans for a day trip, it's just unfair and upsetting plus I already mentioned wanted to do something on Mother's Day :( I'm just heartbroken this happened last year too
I’m so sorry that sounds so vindictive, and intentional. is there anyway that you could talk to your custody lawyer or court to see if you could petition to get Mother’s Day going forward? Are you and the dad on bad terms?
Sorry you’re in this position you really should be able to have your son on Mother’s Day it’s not hard to adjust a schedule, just remember You don’t have to celebrate Mother’s Day on the exact day you can always do something special with your son before or after and try to do something nice for yourself on the actual day or spend it with family and friends everything will be ok xx