Partner going back to work

✨Honesty please✨ If you have a partner and they’ve gone back to work after paternity how has it been? I’m dreading it. He’s been amazing whilst off, we share night feeds and just generally help eachother all day with the baby and house work, so I’m dreading how I’m going to cope alone. I don’t cope well with doing nothing which is what my partner is most worried about for me. I’m hoping to plan to walk baby at least once a day in the pram and try to go to a baby class once a week just to keep me busy, form some sort of routine, & keep me sane. Tell me it’s not as bad as my head feels it’s going to be. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, but it’s hard ♥️
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Hiya, I’ve just had my second baby and felt the Same with my first baby. I needed to get out daily for my own sanity too! I went to a differnt baby class each day; some days just walked down to the local shops, the library does lots of free stuff too. You find a new routine but I found getting out daily helped x

I had the exact same worries as you. My partner has only been back to work for a week so am still getting used to it myself. He has been a massive safety blanket for me for the first few weeks. My best advice is try not to worry too much. Plan out what you are going to do during the day every morning. Feel free to drop me a message if you would like to chat more about my experience or anything in general 💖

It’s not as bad as what you think it’ll be. My husband went back to work last week and I was dreading it, but it hasn’t been as bad as I thought. I’ve tried to keep myself busy and just taken it a day at a time xx

Myself and my partner are farmers and our baby was born whilst we were in the thick of lambing and calving so unfortunately my partner didn’t really get any “paternity time” at all. I had the same worries that you’re having but honestly, it was easier than I thought it would be! I just had to get on with it when he wasn’t at home and then I got a “break” or some help when he was in again. Baby keeps you busy so you don’t have time to think about it too much! Some days were harder than others in the beginning but she is 3 weeks old now and we’re used to being at home ourselves and it’s just a big bonus when he is in for most of the day x

I was exactly the same before my partner went back to work and got myself so worked up about it but we’ve been fine. The first few days in the thick of no sleep and being on my own I thought I was the worst mum ever for asking for help but now I actually function better on less sleep 😂 This is the start of week 3 of him being back at work and we have got ourselves into our own routine. I’ve been going out for walks, having a few visitors and next week we start a baby group which I’m really looking forward too! He still gets up in the night to make the bottles and does the nappy changes during the night too which is greatly appreciated x

My other half goes back to work tomorrow, im feeling exactly the same! He's been my rock and I'm very nervous to be without him xxx

I feel exactly the same! 😱 my partner is back to work on Monday after 4 weeks off. And I am dreading it 😱😫 I'm sure I'm overtaking it and I'll be fine but it's the thought of it! 🤦‍♀️🤣 xx

I'm now 2 weeks into being on my own in the day and I'm doing pretty well, but I'm not 100% on my own. Some days I'll go visit my mom in her lunch break and that helps as she'll do me food or will hold him so I can go for a shower. Other days my partner's mom will come round as she works part time and normally brings me a lunch/ does some housework. If there's anyone around you that you can visit or come see you I really reccomend it, just having an hours break can really help keep you sane. I also sell things on vinted so am often walking to our In Post locker with the pram, our daily adventure together😄 I find a drive out has been helping him settle as well

My husband went back when I was 4 weeks PP, I’m now 7 weeks PP. I have good days and bad days. I try and get out the house when I can and I’ve booked some baby classes so I know most days I have a plan. It does get easier and you’ll find a routine with your baby. Try and organise some coffee shop catch ups or walks with other mums or friends locally (I know we’ve chatted before and we’re not too far away from each other so I’m here if you need anything) x

Thanks everyone. I think like most of you have said it’s mainly in my head! I lived on my own for years before I got with my partner so I’m very independent & know deep down I’ll be able to manage but I have become very soft/vulnerable since having a baby 😅 more so because I want to do right by her. I’ll aim to create our own little routine but try not to do too much too I am very lucky I’ve got a lot of family and friends who I know will visit too xx

@Abigail thanks so much ♥️ hope you and the little one are okay x

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