Having hard time moving away from family

I am having a very hard time, deciding if this is a great move for us or not. We have discussed multiple times to move away. we have a potential job opportunity where me and my husband can make more money. But it’s very hard for me to leave my parents and relatives. My daughter is very close to her cousins and uncles and especially grandparents. But with this job opportunity, we will be able to be debt-free, live what we think would be easier we can travel and have more time with our daughter. But every time I think this is a great move for us. I keep thinking about my family and how this will change our relationship and the closeness that we have with each other. My parents right now are an age where they are OK being alone they still work and they’re very mobile. I’m just venting here to see if there is anybody a similar situation and can help me think of obstacles that will come by moving hours away of benefits of being able to be financially better
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I have moved to a different country years before my daughter was born and now that she’s 3yo and seeing how much she loves her grandparents and cousins I’d love to go back and be closer to them. Being away from family (especially with a young child) is hard. It’s just up to you to choose, but if you move away you need to be 100% sure you’re doing the right thing otherwise it will be even harder. I don’t know your circumstances, how bad are things now financially, how much more money, how far away you would be etc if you’ll have a better financial situation would you be able to visit your family often? Or would they be able to come visit you? Unfortunately I can’t answer that for you, but if you have questions or you want to talk about it just let me know.

Hey thanks, yea our plan is to be financially better where we can travel more and be able to travel with my family they always have a trip to somewhere and either we can’t go or they need to help so we can be able to go. And I’m just tired of them helping (they do grateful and we appreciate it so much but I want to be able to do it ourselves ) I also don’t know what to do this is hard!!! And it’s going to hurt them which makes it harder Thank you for replying

Honestly, my mom and dad told me when I got married that I should consider them relatives and my new family is my family. It makes thinking about these kind of decisions so much easier. Your core family is now ur partner and children, that's what needs to be priority when making these kinds of decisions. We live thousands of miles away from any family but we make good money that we can see them often and also pay for sitters to help us when we need it.

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