Am I pregnant?!

So I’m getting really fed up! The last time I had a period was 33 days ago and it’s hard to tell what normal is for me as I only came off the pill in January time. I’m pretty sure I was ovulating 25th of April and actively having sex around that time. I’ve done numerous pregnancy tests since about 10 days post ovulation and they’ve all been negative! I’ve been feeling like my period is coming for 2 weeks or so but nothing. It’s getting me down, like where’s my period and if I’m pregnant why isn’t it showing on a test? 😩😩😩
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Early pregnancy days don't show up on test kits. You might need to go to your dr for further check up

Thanks @Fatima I will give it to the end of the week and if nothing I’ll have to book in to the doctor x

Earliest you can get a result is 2 weeks after ovulation that’s why it’s called the two week wait!

So I'll share my story because I feel this. I tracked and tested for ovulation basically from the time I got my iud out in July. In September we did the deed multiple times around the peak ovulation results and then my period didn't come. I was so sure I was gonna get a positive result. But it never came. On a whim I checked my ovulation at the end of October and it happened to be a little elevated meaning I was going to soon. We had sex once. 8 days later I got my positive result. It was so weird trying to explain to doctors that I know I wasn't pregnant from my period in September but that was the last one.

Ahh @Kate so you didn’t have a period the whole of September but it didn’t show you were pregnant til oct? So you could have conceived in September? Sorry just trying to get my head around it all. I’ve been pregnant twice before and it’s pretty simple. My period is late by a few days so I do a test and I’m pregnant. I dunno why this time I’m not getting a positive test. My cycle is usually 28/30 days so why would it randomly change now x

@Stacy it’s been 19 days now. And tbh id never even heard of the “2 week wait” til I got this app 🤣

I'm not taking bc and my cycles are 40-45 days long lol it's weird but normal for me so i dont get my period every 4 weeks. You never know with hormones n all. I know it sucks but you'll probably just have to wait a few weeks and see what happens

I conceived at the end of October. I didn't have a period though for all of October. So I was sure i had conceived in September. But nope all my tests until November were negative. Amd my ultrasounds all show I got pregnant at the end of October. I just skipped a cycle in September

I am randomly on my second month of no period and normally like clockwork 28/29 day cycles. Negative tests 😩

I'm dealing with similar. My last period only lasted a day and was barely a period, I thought it could be implantation bleeding, but that was the middle of March and still no positive. We had sex one time right around when I would have been ovulating if that was in fact my period and not implantation bleeding and then randomly 3 weeks ago I got really sick. I was throwing up for 2 days and and was super nauseous for 4 days after. And I have been mildly nauseous ever since. I have never had a stomach bug last that long so I obviously thought I was pregnant. It took weeks of nausea with my son before I got a positive. But here we are 3 weeks after that fact, still no period, still mildly nauseous, still negative tests. I test every few days. I have irregular periods so just the fact that it's late wouldn't bother me. But I've been nauseous and some other symptoms. All signs point to pregnant, except I keep getting negative tests. It's over a month since the last time we had sex, so I know I'm not testing early.

@🔮Angela🔮 are you TTC? X

Yeah! Trying for well over a year now 😩

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