@Jana they’re so expensive. I found a church based one that $300/mo but it’s part time. 9am-12pm I think
I know!!! I don't know how people afford having kids these days... 9-12 is nothing, I definitely need it to be as close to 5 as possible but anywhere between 3-5 is fine
How much were you paying at kids r kids if you don't mind me asking?
@Jana close to $1700/month for a baby under 12mo
I wish daycares would just post their rates. I hate how hard it is to find a price
$1700??? Omg I will start crying 😭 and yes, exactly I wish they just post rates instead of being so secretive about them
@Jana babies under 12months always have the highest rates…unfortunately it mages sense cause they need the most care and attention
Little Hugs off Hero Way was great for us. I don't know about PT, but I do know there baby room was quiet and they were good about feeding on demand.
@Sarah Hi, could you share the name of the church based daycare you found?
Uuuh when you find out, please let me know! I'm having a hard time finding a good affordable daycare myself as well 😭