
My due date is actually in June but I'm having a C-section on 29th May - pretty terrified if I'm honest. Does anyone have any positive stories or advice on what to expect? I'm very worried about recovery. Thank you ❤️
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I ended up having an emergency c section and it was a really good experience even tho it wasn’t planned , one of my biggest fears was a section and if I’m honest Id do it all again

Recovery was painful but manageable, my advice is to stay in hospital until day 3 as thst day your in agony after that you will be fine , try and keep as active as you can as sitting around will make your pain worse

I'm scheduled on the 21st 😅 this gonna be my 3rd time and last lol haha

I had a scheduled c-section and honestly it was fine. I’d possibly ask for one again if I have another baby haha. My main advice would be to make sure you take your painkillers all the time in the first week even if you’re not feeling sore at that time. And take it easy don’t do much other than looking after your new baby 😊

When did the wound heal? Or when would it be healed outside and inside..

I’m having my second c section on the 28th after my first was emergency. I’m opting for elective this time just as my pregnancies have been so close together. I’m more nervous this time just as it’s planned so I’ve got time to over think things but it was a lovely experience last time, really calm and a nice environment created by all the staff. Recovery was a lot easier than I thought too xx

I am terrified I have my first C section next week and I am shitting it! Xx

I had an elective one on the 6th due to having a big baby (on my doctors advice) and it was the best decision because he was/is big. I was very anxious like you but honestly everything was smooth and all the staff were amazing. The painkillers are strong and if anything I will say you might be quite out of it. I was conscious the whole time but it feels like a blur. As people say day 3 where you go to having oral/normal meds is where you can feel it. I also agree to take them and only lower if you feel you can and wait past the first week. I had a wonderful experience and you’ll be surprised just how soon you feel good but again don’t rush anything. Your baby is worth it all as well ✨

I have an elective booked the same day! Good luck ♥️♥️

I had an emergency section with my Lila, not gonna lie recovery was a bit rough, just make sure you’re resting, try sleeping with lots of pillows so you’re almost in a seated position, take your time going up and down stairs. I was fully recovered by 3/4 weeks xx

@Angela thank you! How big was your baby? I'm having a C-section for the same reason and GD. My previous baby was macrosomic and shoulder dystocia delivery so they said this is the safest option this time. I keep having doubts and am terribly anxious. X

@Lorna good luck 🥰🥰 x

@Nikki thank you. I'm soooo worried about recovery. I have 3 other kids at home so don't know what to expect with pain or healing 😅 x

@Harriet I am right there with you 😭😫 x

Thanks for all your replies ❤️❤️

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@Amanda yeh so at my 38 week check up my boy was weighing 9lbs 1oz and my doctor recommended C section but said I can try to push him if I want to and told me to think about it. I scheduled it with her because I like and trust her and she even recommended me to a chiro to turn him which worked before that. I wrestled with my decision as everyone has an opinion and people were telling me they’re often wrong. Well my boy came out at 9lbs 8oz and 21.2 inches long and I was so glad I didn’t go through labor trying to get him out when ultimately I think I would have ended up as an emergency C section which I’ve heard is longer recovery. I mean if you think about it your body hasn’t been put through the stress of labor so makes sense. I just saw you have 3 other children. You will need help, mainly getting up and down but mine was 10 days ago now and I’m feeling pretty good

@Angela my youngest daughter was 9lbs 3 born at 38 weeks exactly, and suffered severe shoulder dystocia. It was really traumatic and I definitely can't go through that again. She nearly died. But people's opinions on big babies keep messing with my head, saying the scans are inaccurate and C-sections are unnecessary and shoulder dystocia might not happen again etc...It's been driving me insane!! I'm super worried about recovery but my husband will be at home for 3 weeks so I'm probably stressing about nothing 😅 I'm glad it all went well for you x

@Amanda your risk for shoulder dystocia is higher if you have a previous one. I had another vaginal birth after my first which was a shoulder dystocia and ended up having another shoulder dystocia birth that was worse. I shouldn’t have been allowed to do that. For my third my new Dr has said absolutely not and we have a c section scheduled now.

@Kay thank you. I've been stressing about it from the moment I found out I was pregnant again 😫 They offered induction this week (37 weeks) but I declined and everyone agreed c-section at 39 weeks is the much safer option. Good luck with yours 🙂 x

This was meant to be my due date, but I was induced on the 4th May. The induction failed as bubs was going into distress and has an emergency C section. That all went well, he was a tiny baby at birth (1.88kgs) so was admitted to NICU. We have been there for the first 12 days of his life. Today we are 99% sure he’s coming home 🥳🥳 As for recovery, it’s really not that bad! The first few days I couldn’t walk for too long, and needed Endone for pain relief. By about day 3 I was able to walk from the ward to NICU without needing a wheelchair. I went home on day 4. I need to have 6 weeks of Clexane (prevent blood clots- injection my partner does for me). I’ve also not needed pain relief at all. Recovery really hasn’t been bad at all. Keep walking around as it helps you heal quicker/better. Only annoying thing is not being allowed to drive for 6 weeks.

@Amanda I had the exact same thing with people telling me they’re often wrong and just love a C section. Intuitively I felt the C section was the right thing so I stuck with it and all u can tell you is I have zero regrets. I’m healing great and had a great experience. I know it’s daunting but why put yourself through another potentially traumatic birth is my thoughts and if your husband is off for 3 weeks that’s perfect. It’s been 10 days and I’m doing the housework no issues and just realised I haven’t taken any meds today. Everyone will have an opinion but I would say trust your gut and ultimately your doctor 🙏🏼

@Amanda all that matters is what is safest for you and your baby 🙏🏼 don’t worry about others opinions. My doctor was not wrong and saved me from what could have been a really challenging/traumatic birth. Wishing you all the best! When you’re holding your baby and your comfortable and they’re doing great you won’t be upset about the C section x

@Angela thank you so much ❤️❤️

I’m on day 4 of recovery from a c section for a breech baby and have never gotten any kind of major surgery. The worst part is the recovery followed closely by the build up in my mind of what it would be like. The advice in this chat is great! I would add to buy your own cute compression socks (you wear these all the time for recovery) and also one size larger diapers with a pad are great to have to not worry about bleeding and it isn’t tight around the scar.

I’m also due in June but having a c section on the 29th! My first was an unplanned section due to baby being stuck and this bub is measuring even bigger so it was an easy decision for me! Going to be hard having a toddler this time but if you have a good support system you will be fine! Don’t lift anything heavier than your baby and take your medication around the clock at least for the first week)

A good read: I’m going in for my section on Tuesday morning. When they told me my baby is big in size and a natural birth could mean they would have to maybe manipulate shoulders of the baby and cause some breakage, I couldn’t cope with that idea so I opted for a c section. As much as it’s scary because it’s major surgery, I will be going in all fresh and not exhausted from being in labour/induced, and hopefully no trauma to either of us, so we can be back on the ward/private room to start recovery on the day. X

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