Depends on for your reasons for pumping. If it is to increase your supply you could try triple feeding. If you pump after breastfeeding you don't need to worry too much. Baby is better at getting milk out so I wouldn't worry too much if baby has recently fed. I wouldn't pump before baby is due a feed (as if babies stick to schedules 😂)
I usually pump after feeding so there’s plenty of time for my breasts to “fill up” before her next feed. I find pumping in the morning is much better. I don’t pump in the evening as she tends to feed more regularly
I pump in the evening like 8-10pm as this is when my partner is feeding the baby with last night's pumped milk and I pump for the next dah. I also do a pump first thing in the morning like 6am as my LO never takes much then so I pump to relieve and then use it for top ups if required in the day or add to my stash x
I pump every 3 to 4 hours but I don't do a lot of direct breast. If she had direct breast I wait 30 minutes and pump after
I am having this dilemma right this second!!!