How do you feel about receiving/gifting used baby clothes?

Personally, I prefer all the newborn items to be brand spanking new. Used items in other sizes is fine as long there aren't any stains, obviously, and I'll only accept them from family and close friends. (I'll accept it from others, but I just donate them) And I only gift brand new items, unless you're family and want the used items. I've kept a lot of my first daughter's items and now my 2nd is wearing them. So happy I kept them! How do you feel about it?
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Can I ask why? Almost all of my son's clothes are secondhand, it's been a huge money saver. Buying used has enabled me to extend my unpaid leave, and I wouldn't have it any other way! Babies outgrow clothes so quickly, new just doesn't seem worth it.

I have loads of second hand clothes, toys etc. I just wash them before she wears them. It's saved me so much money. Even if they have stains I've just used them for messy play or stuff like that.

Loved getting hand me downs. Parents tend to only keep and give away the stuff that was great and easy to use so it got an experienced moms stamp of approval. Most babies grow so fast that you may have them wear an outfit once and then it's too small. But I will say the moms who gift their used clothes also tend to give other must haves new, like teethers, lovies, etc so it doesn't seem like they're just passing off all their old stuff onto you.

I think the first year we used a lot of hand me downs from known people. The clothes were almost like new considering babys move up sizes so quickly in the first year. I did get hand me downs for the second year too but these seem a little more worn out as it's been used longer so have been picky in what I reuse. For toys I am all with reusing. Less waste generation and I can just hand them down once we are done so less clutter. I think I'll hold on to something longer and try to sell it if it's something I have bought and it just ends up collecting dust in the garage.

New, my baby was my rainbow baby so wanted all new. I was given second hand things by his family that had poo and wee stains, so I had to buy new anyway, was their first grandchild too so you’d think they’d want to 🤷🏼‍♀️ one of his family insisted on buying the Moses basket and it was used and filthy so had to buy new one anyway

Give me all the thrift you can find 🙋🏼‍♀️

Most of her stuff I buy second hand. Newborn phase went by so fast, did not make sense to buy a bunch of new clothes. In my mind I buy mostly used clothes so I don’t feel bad when I buy something really cute and more expensive.

Hand me downs all the way. Limit what you put into landfill as much as possible

Most of my daughter’s clothes are hand me downs from my niece. She’s 6 months older than my daughter so I happily take what I can get. I’m thinking soon they will probably be in the same size.

Even with this being my rainbow I bought loads of things second hand and was even bought second hand clothing. It was in lovely condition and it’s meant that I could do all the activities I wanted to without worrying about money. £30 for baby grows and vests for 0-3 months - I spent that getting them and 3-6 months bits second hand and bought way more

I’ve got a mjx of second hand and new. From what I found loads of parents really look after the clothes and are in good condition. I think people often stereotype second hand things as dirty or not great quality but that isn’t the case. Babies grow out of their clothes so quickly and it can be expensive, we have two incomes coming in and homeowners and we couldn’t afford everything brand new xx

@Tiffani You're absolutely right! It's just preference for me. In all honestly, it might have something to do with being a middle child and ONLY getting hand-me-downs 😒 I absolutely hated it! 😅

Also, I've only been gifted clothes twice for my first baby. The first gift was from my bfs ex who said my baby will grow up to be a sl*t so I definitely threw that shit in the garbage! 😒 (It was an ugly sleeper anyway) And the second time was from my sister's friend who chain smokes inside her house 😑 I donated it.

@Kirsty 😣

I honestly prefer second hand if in good shape and not stained. My daughter got so many new clothes that she didn't even get to wear before growing out of it or season change. We still by new items but I am all for second hand for all sizes.

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90% of my kiddos clothes, for both my first born and my second, are or will be hand me downs. As a single income household, we can't afford to buy all new. Kids grow so fast, most of the things we got were basically brand new anyways! We just set aside anything that isn't our style or is overly worn/stained. We've had to buy a bit when seasons/sizes don't match up for the items we've been gifted but I couldn't imagine turning them down, they're such a lifesaver!

I love receiving used items. I've kept a lot of my older kids' baby clothes and got quite a few things off of vinted. I think as long as they're washed, then it's all fine. At the end of the day, they'll get washed first regardless of whether they're new or not :) x

I feel like if it is a gift, it should be new. Otherwise, hand-me-downs are great!!

Basically everything both of my kids have are second-hand. Most were given to me by co-workers or their daycare. My mom bought a lot at consignment sales. So I really never knew the original owners and that never bothered me.

I've never heard of Vinted

As long as it's decent quality, then I'm all for 2nd hand.

Most clothes of my little one is second hand from vinted. Most of it is comes like new as they move up sizes so quickly! Only stuff we are given as presents are brand new.

I had and have new and secondhand. I always buy secondhand for my son and then ask friends if they want my secondhand things which I wash before packing up. I then split into three categories- keep for next baby (if I'm lucky enough to have a second) send to a friend and then give to charity. There's SO much waste that goes into landfill that I want to limit that as much as possible plus they grow out of it so quickly! That being said I will also buy friends some new bits too!

If every new baby owned every item, brand new, then I'd give this planet like 5 years to live 😂 I think 90% of the items I own for my baby are second or even third hand.

I only gift brand new items unless it’s a family or close friend and I ask them first if they want it before gifting it. But as said in post I’ll rather donate my LO used clothes

I don’t care either way as long it’s cute and clean. I’ve handed down a few clothes to family and friends. And I’ve gotten second hand stuff too. I always ask if they want them first.

I only buy new for my 1st. My 2nd will get all of those hand me downs 🤣 But I buy off clearance for next season or on sale and with a coupon. I haven’t spent a lot on clothes. But my mom has bought a lot too. She doesn’t buy unless it’s on sale either. But I don’t buy used clothes for myself either.

I haven't bought any real quantity of baby clothes for anything less than 2T. Everything my son (my first) wore was hand me downs. I gave them to friends with the stipulation I got them back (usually plus more) and now I've gotten even more hand me downs with my daughter.

What’s wrong with second hand clothes? You wash them and then they are clean. It’s so bad for the environment to buy new clothes- goes to landfill!

I honestly like hand me downs especially when younger they grow out of things so fast & new things are just so expensive in present

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As long as it's washable, then I'm all for second hand! So much better for the environment 🙂

I got so many lovely things from vinted when my baby was a newborn - they're in the clothes for such a short amount of time it seems senseless to fork out loads of money buying brand new everything - not to mention not sustainable! We gift everything she outgrows too x

I am all for pre loved! My baby’s newborn clothes were passed on from our neighbours and a friend and my sister in law gave us so many clothes. We love Vinted and there’s a lovely mum and baby charity shop locally. Everything we have used second hand is in lovely condition and it’s the same when it’s passed on. It’s better for my bank balance and the environment If I am gifting, it will always be new but I love to pass things on to a good home.

I don't mind being gifted used baby clothes just as long there are no stains and they are in excellent condition. I've given ppl the baby clothes my baby didn't wear or only wore a couple times because they were in perfect condition. Sometimes my husband and I go thrifting and find some really nice things in really great condition almost like new. When it comes to newborn clothes, like you, we buy all brand new clothing items and wash them with dreft.

As long as they are in good conditions I do not mind and happy to take them! Though I still got brand new clothes for my girl .We all know that babies grow so quickly.

Almost all of my newborn stuff was secondhand They grow so fast that most of it is only worn once anyways. My nephew is 6 months younger than my son so I pass everything down to my sister

I had a friend lend me all her baby clothes and it brings me so much joy to open each next size up and think of her. Similarly, when I give our clothing to other mums, it’s like giving a little piece of my heart. I love giving and receiving used baby clothes. It’s so much more than clothing.


I don't mind as long as it's clean and well cared for, kids grow way too fast to buy so many new clothes/toys.

It’s absolutely great! I received bags full of baby clothes from my cousin (who had 2 boys, and one only 3 months older than mine). It’s awesome that they are family too. It’s much more economical and not wasteful as they grow out of them so quickly!!!

@Kate awww 🥰

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