I wouldn’t feel comfortable with a man I don’t know in the house with my kid especially if I’m not there. - not the drugs etc yes everyone deserves a second chance. But you haven’t met him. I think though a conversation might not go down very well so personally I think to save myself from the drama I’d just politely cancel saying she’s under the weather or teething or we are having family night .. Then in time get to know the guy and see what’s what :) xx
Absolutely not I'd want to meet him a few times first. My mum used to babysit for me last summer so I could do a few days at my old salon to get me out and she knew if anyone visited while he was there I had to know them very well and if I said no I don't like them they weren't welcome and she stuck to it, her boyfriend at the time wanted to meet my son but neither me nor my partner liked him or trusted him so we said no and she respected it
No, I would want to know the person properly, and also allow my child to get to know them whilst with me, before allowing an overnight. As you say, people can change, and many have….. so it’s not judging, it’s doing right by your LO.
As others have said, no I wouldn’t be comfortable. Not because of the drugs but because I’ve never met the person.
Nope. I wouldn’t be sending my child if there was a possibility he would be there. Nothing to do with him being a recovering Addict but I’d not feel comfortable with an unfamiliar man around my child without me. Most cases of CAS are from family members or people known to the family and id much rather piss my mil off than risk my child’s safety.
No definitely not. Regardless of his background and history I still wouldn’t be comfortable with my kid staying anywhere with any unknown person in the house. We wont be doing sleepovers at all, even with family and close friends.
Personally, I would want to be there when my child was meeting a new person.
I wouldn’t do it, I’ll prefer to wait until all family know him better.
No, I would not. He is only six months sober that may feel long for him but is not long enough in my opinion. I would express to MIL you don’t feel comfortable with LO staying there if boyfriend is going to be present. You should meet people who are going to be around your child.
No I wouldn’t be comfortable. Everyone deserves second chances but he hasn’t been clean that long. As well if your mother in law wants time with her grand baby she should focus on that. Not have her boo over.
It’s a hard effing no from me! Explain your concerns and if she can’t respect that boundary no more sleepovers at grannies! I don’t think that’s judgmental I think it’s pragmatic
No. I wouldn’t. I still haven’t let my daughter stay the night with my own mom because her boyfriend will be there. I trust them but I also know anyone is capable of anything… She will not do sleepovers until she is old enough to tell me if something is wrong.
Absolutely NOT!!!! Tell your mother-in-law that you are not comfortable with her new partner around your son and state the reasons above and be firm when you talk to her.
nooooo I would not let that happen if I were you
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Hi ladies, just wanted to say thank you all so much for your responses I really appreciate it! I knew in my gut that it just didn’t feel right so I went with my gut and with what all of you suggested and decided not to let him stay the night. Not until I know a bit more at least…this has definitely caused some kind of tension between us now, but so be it. My children’s welfare will forever come first 💓 thank you all so much again for all your help and advice 🥰 x
I wouldn't be comfortable for my child to stay over where someone I didn't know might be there. I'd ask your mil to find out if he will be there. Explain your reservations and I'd expect her to understand