Baby aspirin ?

Was anyone else recommended to take baby aspirin to help prevent pre-eclampsia? One of my doctors recommended it, as it prevents it by 80-90%. He said his wife did for his kids too.
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Yep, I'm taking baby aspirin every day because I'm higher risk due to having twins. But I don't think there's a downside to taking it.

Mine recommended it for high blood pressure. Haven’t started it yet though

@Jenna yeah he gave me a low dosage to take. Just wanted some extra opinion, as this is my first

They had me take it my last pregnancy and my current one. Very common to take.

Yep I'm taking it too.. for the record you won't find "baby aspirin" anywhere, it's just low dose aspirin.. was told to start taking it at 12 weeks but I started a couple days early because my body hurt and Tylenol sucks 😅

Yep I'm taking low dose aspirin I have been since 8 weeks

Yes have to start mine tomorrow

I’ve been taking it since my transfer. I took it all my first pregnancy too.

Yes mine was recommended for high blood pressure

Yes, I don't have high blood pressure now, but I had it with my last pregnancy so they are treating this pregnancy the same. If it helps my first pregnancy went smoothly!

100% - as a matter of fact- everyone who has ever had covid should be on baby aspirin for life- or at least until further notice. I’m super healthy/ into nutrition etc and have been on a baby aspirin for 3 years now since covid. The one thing I wish is I could find a non- colored one- it is unnecessary for us to be consuming this extra dye- regardless of if you have risks high/ BP everyone should be on it. Upon getting pregnant I did a deep dive into peer reviewed research and science journals… baby aspirin is actually recommended to pregnant woman in most other countries… we are just slow to adopt this here in America..give it a few years. I brought it up to my dr and she said wow- yes 100% I recommend- she said most people just don’t know about it.. Pepcid/femotadine is safe as well- idk why people want to suffer through. I don’t take my drugs at all as I’m more natural… but this is one I will bend on especially during pregnancy- you don’t want to be dealing with gerd.

I’m taking it currently! I have BP issues so they want me to take it as precaution.

Mine recommended at 12 weeks I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant

Mine has not recommended it since I’m not at risk for high BP, but I’ve been reading about risks after having COVID and am wondering if I should take it just in case. I’m going to bring it up at my 12 week appointment!

@Emily so … most people arnt going to have a Dr that checks blood clot factors/ genetic risks and hs crp inflammation markers. I have an integrative medicine Dr who checks over 8 pages of blood on me four times a year. After covid my d dimer ( blood clot factor) came back as positive.. we monitored it for almost a year ( while I’ve been taking tons of supplements and natural methods to lower it)… it fluctuated and never went back to negative.. and I do not have factor iv gene- this happened after my second bout of mild covid and has stayed that way, and I’m super healthy, work out a ton and eat a very healthy diet. Think of all the people that are walking around not testing levels like this.. when we are pregnant we are more at risk of a blood clot due to higher blood volume, so natural drs like mine and people who truly research longevity and proper nutrition are highly recommending baby aspirin after covid.

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Yes I am taking it this pregnancy as well as my last pregnancy I did. I had postpartum preclampsia with my 2nd so being watched closely this time!

I’ve been advised to take baby aspirin since ovulation due to prior miscarriages

I just got told to take that as well bc now im over 12 weeks and Im at risk for it

Yes, I was prescribed but I'm also 41 yo, with hbp

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