My advice is to stop— no judgements. I love my weed. Still, not enough research to make it worth the risk. Past that, this sounds potentially medical, so next best advice is to see a doctor if it continues.
Thanks do u smoke weed while pregnant
@Beth Hendry I didn’t touch it while pregnant. I smoked a lot beforehand, but I didn’t want to risk it. I had two previous miscarriages, so i stopped for pregnancy.
Did you get this feeling in ur throat ??
I suppose so yes thanks ladies I will phone the docs in the morning about this
I’ve actyally just spewed and it’s went away a wee bit nah it feels more like something stuck in throat x
Mucus I got mucus rlly bad my first half of my pregnancy
I smoked my entire pregnancy she was born 1 day early 7 pounds 9 ounces no complications beautiful delivery my doctor knew because if I didn't I physically could not eat drink anything
@Beth Hendry i had the same problem, it went away after a couple days but i didn’t smoke during them days cause it was too uncomfortable but was able too after
@Tatia same I had a miscarriage
What do you mean?