Test aren’t getting darker now 😫

Tests had been getting darker but seem to have stopped over the last 48hrs. Anyone ever had this and it still worked out ok? 😭 I think I’m extra nervous because I’ve been going through IVF for a year and this was my 3rd transfer and 1st positive.
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These tests are not designed to get darker. They don't have the capacity to be anything other than positive or negative. These are all positive. Stop testing. It won't tell you anything new.

@Kirsty I’ve seen loads of people use these tests and they do progress/ get really dark!

I totally know how you feel, my pregnancy is a ivf one too and after all the treatment it brings so much anxiety. It is hard to not read into it, could you ask your clinic for some beta blood test as that’s a more accurate way of knowing it’s progressing or not. I have been using the clear blue weeks tests to give me my reassurance it is progressing as my clinic charges £140 for bloods

Could you pop to the shops to get different tests to ease your mind? Perhaps the clear blue digital? Maybe that might you a darker line to give you some reassurance? I have these tests and as you say they do get darker. But I haven’t tested daily like you though. Are you also peeing in the early hours of the morning to get the most concentrated pee since it measures for HCG - diluted pee really does affect the line imo. Good luck, I’m sure everything is going well 💕

@Jen it’s horrible isn’t it?! I’m about to drive straight to my clinic to do that as I had a blood test Saturday so they can compare

@Monica pee is FMU super concentrated each day. Just not seeing progression even in 48hrs. Blood test it is 😫

But they are not physically designed to be anything other than positive or negative. They can't measure HCG, they can only indicate if HCG is present. I understand the worry, I've had 3 miscarriages myself, but you can't expect a test that isn't designed to tell you the progression of a pregnancy to tell you if your pregnancy is progressing. The only thing you can do is blood draws every 48 hours to see the rise. By those tests, you are absolutely pregnant, but it doesn't show anything else.

@Kirsty yeah it’s so stressful. IVF takes so much from you and the fear if it’s not worked out is so high because you know what’s to come if you have to start again. Good luck with your blood tests xx

@Jen Exactly this 😭 Thank you - just been and should hear this afternoon! 🙏🙏

How many weeks are you now?

@Amy 4 weeks and 2 days

Slow rising HCG as I suspected… 99.6 on Saturday and today it’s only 123. Booked for another blood test and a scan on Friday

@Kirsty wishing you every bit of luck ❤️

@Amy thank you xx


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