Looking for LGBTQ+ families in London! 🌈

Myself, and my wife, are going to be first-time parents in October and would love to find some other queer families to connect with. We're finding it difficult to navigate the parenting world and feeling apprehensive about going to baby groups when we know we will probably be the only queer parents there. Anyone else struggling with this?
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Heyyy me and my wife just had a baby in march we are in London x

Hey, we aren’t in London. We are in Norfolk. But we feel we are in the same situation struggling with baby groups etc

Hey myself and my wife are from Kingston borough and have a little boy 6 1/2 months old ☺️

Hey! I'm in Hertfordshire and my girlfriend and I have a 13 month old. I've been to baby groups and NCT. I've just been honest and let it come out in natural conversation. Been very lucky, made some great mummy friends locally and been accepted by all 🥰 I hope this brings you some reassurance x

P.s. If you do NCT classes, they might offer to connect you to an LGBT parent WhatsApp group. It's national but has loads of LGBT couples.

Apologies everyone, I had to turn off Peanut notifications as it was all getting very overwhelming 😅 @Hollie that's very reassuring! I know most people are accepting but there's always a little insecurity in the back of my mind! We'll be signing up to NCT and hopefully make some friends along the way 🥰

NCT is a great place to start! And from there you'll gradually meet new people and usually go with the people you met at NCT initially, so you'll already have some mummy friends backing you up ☺️

Hey, my wife and I live in east london. Also struggling to find same sex couples to hang out with and share the similar experiences we’re all going through. Nats 33 weeks through IUI. Don’t know about you guys but I know the thought of going to antenatal classes with all the dads feels weird to me.

Hi I'm 25 years old in UK Stevenage side

Hi my wife and I live in west London, Uxbridge, with our almost 3 year old and 4 month old

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