Looks like cervical mucus blob. Withdrawal symptoms from the pill sound about right.
Definitely not a miscarriage. There would be blood and blood clots. Looks like CM. The pill causes symptoms of headaches but if you’re getting extreme headaches you need to contact your GP. I had to come of the combined pill and change to progesterone only pill because I was told that extreme headaches have a risk of causing strokes. I would talk to your gp especially if you are on the combined pill x
@Aaliyah yeah I came to realise this no blood came after but it just looked soooo odd never had anything like it before. I went to the GP yesterday to talk about my symptoms and she diagnosed me with tension headaches. She said the pill can make it worse. But my blood pressure is consistent with what it usually is so she was happy for me to continue with it. I’ve got endometriosis and basically The pill is a treatment for that because my periods are heavy and painful. Feel like I don’t have any other option for contraception even though I hate taking the pill :(
That doesn’t look like a miscarriage to me . Not sure what it could be if it’s not CM.