Vulnerable long rant…

Evil… karma my man of 2 years just called me evil, said i'm full of negative energy… so why are you here, why you live with me, BETTER YET why are you with me? I was all the kindness and love when I was doing everything for you. Taking you out… getting rooms… traveling, buying the bud, etc… but the moment I stop I’m all types of bullshxt. I say take me out for once back in March n haven’t been anywhere since I stopped spending!! I’m tired of being the guy & the female!! Am I the problem ? No! Sure I can b snippy but nooo. Everything is me me me. To the point I really start to think it’s me. It’s an issue about almost everything. Can’t be open and honest with him for nothing… because he’s quick to call it a lie. But I have to endure and accept all the dumb shxt he says??! I’m sooo lost. Couldn’t even continue on my spiritual path through grief or let alone write my book because social media or talking to other ppl going through similar situations is a problem to him so I cut it off!! I just stopped. Sitting here in the first trimester of pregnancy really has me on a roller coaster because for fuxn once I’m sticking up for myself! Then u call it karma… who’s???? Because I am a good person. I’m the nice one out the bunch.(my fam) I’m Optimistic, hopeful, always seeking some good in ppl. I do good deeds. I make sure the energy I put out comes back to me positively. I treat ppl how I want to b treated! But to b called evil… HA!! Full of negativity…. Ha! Mean is the type of stuff I expect to hear from my 7yo because I wake him up for school when he doesn’t want to get up, or I tell him to do his homework, or I tell him no to the eating all the snacks. Smoking dope… gotta be because even with these dam extra hormones from being pregnant I am always turning the other check n quick to forgive. What you mad for… U get mad at every question I ask but expect me to answer all yours??!! Like foh… I asked a question about work n u didn’t want to answer that. U called my response to a question ratchet because I answered in detail. Then u said… that’s not what u wanted to talk about after working x amount of hours. Bxtch u got off at 5… n went to ya friends house til damn near 11pm. Then mind u u said u was coming back at 8. Soo I was excited to spend time with my man but that was a lie… sooo I let it go til like 9:30 n that’s when I call n u don’t even answer. But u expect me not to b let down…. Like wtf!! && the kicker is saying you didn’t want to have the cab person drop you off because you didn’t know who was at my house. Like my dad’s niece is the damn dispatcher and the ppl at my house are her brothers. My dad’s… nephews. Smh 🤦‍♀️ what u mad I’m not spoiling you anymore && ya gotta do something for yourself for once??!! We both adults… At this point… I don’t even care if you leave…
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im sorry but I kinda stopped reading when you said he lives w/YOU. And you were the one taking him out, funding his weed habit. He called you those names because he doesn't love, like or Respect you. He's a Loser and you but Definitely your child doesn't deserve to have loser energy in your life 💛

@Tata he just started living with me at the end of March. He was down and out after getting hit by a forklift at his old job all summer 23. He just got cleared to work in February but found something in March.

If my husband told me he’d be home @ 8 and came home at 11 I’d be pissed girl! Like didn’t you just agree to spend time with me? Tf. Girl you’re carrying a blessing, you don’t need to be stressed like this! He should be spoiling you right now. Im sorry you’re going through this ): you should try to spend more time with your girlfriends/family to relieve some tension. I hope that he calms down soon ): My husband did some dumb stuff too when I was pregnant that had me feeling like hitting his head with a pan NGL! It evened out though now we have a good marriage.

@Tata && I know what… I stick up for him sooo much n he says I’m all this mean shxt n I’m tired of it sooo yea… he doesn’t love or respect me

@Jessica right??! Frying pan ready 😂😂 but I really don’t get how he doesn’t understand that… like why I can’t get upset. I be tired. But honestly, I’m glad you worked it out. I’m trying sooo hard but I’m sooo tired of turning the other cheek. I’m all the mean shxt and negativity. It’s exhausting. So why be with me?! Smh deep down he knows I’m not, && just gaslighting me bc he wrong!

Yea Im sorry Mami, it's a huge disappointment when you realize the person you love, despises you. 😔

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