Sleep regression PLUS ROLLING ONTO STOMACH = no sleep for mum

So on top of going through sleep regression, my daughter has now started to roll to her belly in her sleep and then wakes up crying - she keeps doing this. I'm proud of her learning new skills, but gutted that the very little sleep I got just reduced to almost nothing. Will this last long or is she just practising extra hard a new skill she just learned? Does risk of SIDS increase now that she's going on her belly in her sleep? She just turned 5 months
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My son did the same thing at about 6 months old. He hated being on his tummy but would roll over as soon as he fell asleep. I think he got through it pretty quickly, there were a few rough nights but then it gradually got better and better. I was told that if they’re rolling independently the risk of SIDS is about the same (as long as baby is put down on their back and isn’t swaddled).

Can I use a sleep sack with arms not swaddled ?

My daughter is going through the same thing and she is in a sleep sack without her arms swaddled. She can still kick her foot over if she wants to go back to her back.

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