
Just after some advice maybe…😞 I had my double embryo transfer on 3rd of May. After official test day we’ve got our positive. Which was absolutely fantastic and we even thought that we will be blessed with twins. So my clinic advised me to do a test once a week every week up until our early pregnancy scan which is scheduled for 4th of June. So the first and and second week both tests where positive but this morning test test is negative. So it means I am having chemical pregnancy again….just like the last ivf cycle. My clinic advised me to do another test in 2 days, in case it’s still turns to be positive.. I guess my question is Has anyone ever had positive after testing negative?💔
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Have they offered to do an HCG blood test? More accurate than urine pregnancy tests

@Rose No they haven’t In my clinic they don’t do HSG blood test I asked them in my first chemical pregnancy. I was told that home pregnancy test is just as accurate 😞

Could it be that you’ve drank too much water? Sometimes if you’re too hydrated, particularly in the early days it dilutes the HCG in your urine for it to be able to pick it up in the test? Xx

@Kayleigh That’s exactly what my partner said aswell to me I did drink a lot of water actually So not sure… Will test again in couple of days. But not having much hope anymore. I don’t have any bleeding as yet or though I am on a lot of progesterone medication at the moment.

Even if you try tomorrow first thing when you wake up, just make sure you haven’t gone to the toilet for at least three hours or had loads of water. I really hope that’s all it was 🤞🏼

@Kayleigh thank you so much 🙏🏻 I already feel better just having this little chat 🫶🏻

Hey @Alona how are you?

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