Is it worth getting our hopes up?

10dpo today. Never had any sort of line before, is this even worth getting excited for. I’ve heard these tests can be known as showing some false line. Tested Lh at around 2dpo and was low and negative measuring 13 on the Premom app. Yesterday I believe I got the faintest positive test.. very evap like ( within 5 min timeframe) you couldn’t really see it on camera However this morning and this afternoon test. Theres a darker line? And it’s pink not clear And my Lh strips are at showing up as around 50. My husband doesn’t see it when I showed him this morning. Do you think these are just really bad strips and I’m going crazy or is this potentially the start of something?
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Yes these are good tests. The top is positive! Keep testing every 2 days and it should get darker.

@Becca thank you, I suppose this is a waiting game! Let’s just hope it gets darker xx

That’s how my pregnancy test looked at 8dpo

Pregnant 100%

@Holly big fat positive yay xxx

@Holly im saying yes!

These are great tests. I got positives at 8dpo. I love them

@Gabrielle yes ,I have been told these are the ones most hospitals use to detect pregnancy early ,so chances are my positive is true I'm so excited! X

@Holly let us know when you get your BFP!!

Going to try it with a proper test tomorrow with lower sensitivity with fmu , hopefully it will be darker x

@Holly stick baby stick! Xx

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