Positive after transfer

When did everyone get their positive after transfer? I’m testing as I did a trigger I’m not sure if that’s why I’m getting positives. Trigger was two Thursdays ago at night and transfer was last Thursday.
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I’ve started testing from 6dp5dt, it was faint line and then did digital- got my bfp. Good luck but some don’t get positive till 9dp, don’t stress if it not shown earlier as it might implanted later.

4 days post

Maybe get a blood test to see what your hcg level is . Thats what I did 9 days after transfer

My clinic waits till 11 days so I get mine on Monday. I’m assuming it’s just the trigger still

Although it’s possible the trigger can take 14 days the average for most people is more like 12. I would guess you are pregnant, the trigger would be lighter imo. My oldest I didn’t take a trigger and had a positive at 4dpt, with my youngest the trigger was gone 4dpt and I got my first positive 6dpt. Also on the last transfer my tests weren’t really looking darker either before the beta. :)

I tested out trigger it was negative at 4dp5dt and on the 5dp5dt I got a faint positive, done one again in the night and it was slightly darker. Good luck 🤍🤍

Ooo so I could have some hope. The fourth test didn’t have a line I just thought it was a weak wee as I did it at night so the next morning the line was back so maybe that was the trigger ending

Definitely, have you had any symptoms you wouldn’t normally get, I got sore boobs for 2 days and I’ve never ever experience that before so I took that as a good sign, just keep them fingers and toes crossed but with your test going negative and then coming back I’d say you are, maybe try some other brands to compare them against each other, easy at home were the best for line progression for me personally, I took 2 first response 2 days apart and was definitely darker so gives you something else to validate what you’re seeing on them tests, helped for me anyway xxxx

It’s medicated transfer so I’m not looking into my symptoms as I don’t know if they are from the meds or pregnancy. That’s a good idea I might try some other ones on Friday see what the line looks like. These are just the cheapo ones from Amazon Thank you ladies:)

I started testing day of transfer to test out trigger, starting to see my actual BFP by 7DPT and eventually my dye stealer at 10DPT

I tested 5 days after transfer and received my first positive, didn’t get my hopes up due to trigger shot. But then done another 2 days before blood tests and it had progressed and read 2-3 on a digital so knew it wasn’t the trigger shot still in my system. Hope all goes well for you !

I’m pregnant! 4 weeks 2 days got the bloods back:) so excited


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