O Negative!?!?!?

Dose anyone else know about having o negative blood and why they tryna give me a damn shot behind my blood type it’s my first baby and this feels sketchy but I could be wrong Can anyone give me some insight
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the RhoGAM shot? It’s given to mothers who have negative blood when they could be having a positive blooded baby. The shot stops your blood from fighting off the babies blood basically. It makes antibodies so your cells won’t see your babies blood cells as “invading” your body. https://www.goodrx.com/rhogam/do-you-need-rhogam#

Here’s another article! https://www.verywellhealth.com/rhogam-5184862#:~:text=What%20Is%20RhoGAM%3F&text=RhoGAM%20is%20a%20shot%20given,carrying%20an%20Rh%2Dpositive%20fetus.

I second what kayleigh said! Not sketchy! All for the protection of baby.

Not sketchy at all. The above commenters are accurate. Did they not explain to you the reasoning?

I am O- as well. Have to get the Rhogam shot during pregnancy and then once baby is born to protect possible future babies. If we don't get it, our blood can attack the embryo/fetus/baby and can end in a miscarriage. I had to have the series of shots my first pregnancy 14 years ago, as well as this one!

Dont get the rhogam shot!! Im A negative blood type i got them with my first 2 pregnancies cause i didnt know any better and they pushed it on me. My health was a mess ever since!!It's definitely the shots, I had gotten the shots after both pregnancies, I was total health until those shots, after giving birth the last time I had random Hives and rashes for a year satright and elevated white blood cells, doctors couldn't figure it out.... then more problems over the years, mild lupus they told me and I could not longer digest wheat, dairy, & eggs, without bad digestive problems, headaches, nausea and more!! Omg I was a nightmare, all stemming from those shots, it dismantled your immune system response, then it uses over 50 different blood donates... and they don't check the blood for EBS, or many other viral things so if they have it now you do too and you receive that when you immune system cannot fight it and it allows the viral problem to run wild

I just got mine yesterday and my dr said if mom is negative and dad is too then you don’t need one

Dont get the rhogam shot!! Im A negative blood type i got them with my first 2 Also I'm not pregnant again and there's NO WAY I'm taking that rhogam shot again does more harm then anything. !! Please check out Anthony williams, medical medium the info is God sent 🙏 has healed me so much I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and no rhogam , my doctor is really cool and supports my decision and agrees about the dangers of taking it to! You don't need to take it, please don't take it. The mix over 50 different blood types to make it and they don't check the blood for all viral things or spike protiens either...

I had the shot after having a miscarriage, during my last pregnancy, and after giving birth. I didn’t have any side effects or complications.

When I mom was pregnant she had to have a shot. Mom was o- dad was o+ I have o-

I got mine. I’m completely fine and don’t know what these people are talking about🤣 your blood cells will attack babies. Kinda like when you need a blood transfusion and you need to get a negative blood cause you won’t take a positive

I got the shot and I’m fine.

I just got my rhogham shot and had no complications. I am B-

I’m AB- and I get it every pregnancy and after baby is born so my blood doesn’t mix with babies and potentially harm baby and protect potential future pregnancies

Don't get that shot. Most don't understand what it really does to your body. On top of the fact, the risk of the blood being an issue is low, and even if it does mix, it's easily treatable. Check out rhogam rebellion on FB. Over 100s of thousands of women like myself have had problems resulting after the shots, and it's never been the same, some mild to major later on. My family is rh negative my grandmothers had 5 + kids no problem and some were positive blood children. Us new generations that now get the rhogam pushed on us have had alot of health problems, strange allergic reactions, and children with autism all from the damages of these vaccines. Stay away from it it's not necessary nor safe

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The shot is highly recommended. I’m O- and will be getting the shot next week after doing research, as well as getting strong recommendations from both my doctor and midwife. Essentially, if you don’t get the shot, there’s a high chance for complications this pregnancy, and even higher chances for complications for any future pregnancy following this one

Got my shot yesterday. It will prevent your body from making antibodies if baby’s blood is Rh+

Hello I have o negative and they put me this vaccine every Time i am pregnant is ok that help the baby because they don’t know the type of the baby blood 🩸

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