Positive or negative? 😳

Taken 5 mins ago
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Negative sorry

You aren’t out til AF arrives!

I feel like I see a faint line I'd try a red dye test

I think I do see a very faint positive. When are/was you due on?

@Sarah OMG! That helps so much thank you. I can see the faint line too and you can see it much clearer in person. Maybe it’s just a faulty one, I’ll retest tomorrow.

@Lauren sorry I’m dumb. What’s AF?

@Sarah me too 😳 are they better?

@Sarah 🇬🇧 period? 2 days ago. I track my cycle and I’m usually always early or right on time.

Yep red dye a much more reliable as blue dye can have a bad habit of giving evaps and AF means Aunt Flo (time of the month) if I remember correctly

@Sarah I was wondering this because I have used them before and they have given much clearer quicker responses damn! I’ll buy some tomorrow. Ohhh, 2 days late which isn’t crazy late but it is for me.

Try a pink dye test tomorrow morning if you can.

Aunt Flo so your period

I couldn’t wait

That's definitely a positive right there!! 😊

That's definitely positive

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I might’ve stuffed the first one up, I peed on it but I dipped this one😂 Thanks for the confirmation guys 🫶🏼

My test was just like that and I was pregnant!

How many DPO are you? I am 8dpo and waiting to test

Defo positive!! Congrats x

Looks positive

Positive! Congratulations!!

Positive for sure ✨️

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