🩸 Anyone tested Rh Negative on their bloods?

Turns out I’m RH negative on the blood tests, who knew!? Currently 9 weeks with my first, no idea what blood type or rH type my husband is. Anyone have an advice on what happened with their pregnancies with RH negative and what to look out for? Do I need to be careful with amino or anything?
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Hi! I’m also Rhesus Negative, I’m 17 weeks pregnant tomorrow. You will get your bloods done at your 16 week midwife appointment so they can find out baby’s blood type and if they also Rhesus Negative you will not need Anti-D injections. All I’ve been told bc I have had heavy unexplained bleeding from 13w is that any bleeding, bumps to belly, accidents you need to ring triage and let me know so they can administer Anti-D injection within 72 hrs. I’ve had 3 already and praying baby girl has the same blood as me then I wont need anymore! If baby is Rhesus Positive it just means you’ll need an Anti-D injection around 28 weeks pregnant and after labour to stop yours and baby’s blood mixing. If this is your first pregnancy it won’t really be an issue they say it’s more of an issue for your next pregnancies xx

@Georgie thank you this is so so helpful! I have a small SCH but no external bleeding, is it any known or bumps or bleeding before that appointment? Xx

My blood type is O-. The only thing I had to have that was different was anti D injections which everyone who is Rh negative has to have if there is a chance that your baby could have Rh positive blood. They did test my babies blood at one of my midwife appointments though just to definitively check my baby had Rh+ blood because I could have opted not to have them if she had had Rh negative blood. There is one anti d injection at 28 weeks and one after you give birth then I had to have one at 13 weeks because I had a bleed so you have to have one within 72 hours of any bleed or trauma after 12 weeks. It’s to prevent something called rhesus disease. Other than that it was no different to any other pregnancy.

@Emma you’re welcome! If you’ve no bleeding I wouldn’t worry about it they are so common in pregnancy it’s still scary tho. Yeah any bumps, bleeding or accidents you’ll need to ring triage and they most likely will get you in for an injection within 72 hrs xx

I am RH neg , I have a 3 year old and I was also a little worried as I knew the risks. You have to carry to 20 weeks and then you get a anti D injection

I am O- and had anti D for my first baby during pregnancy and after birth. This time round they've said they can run a test to see blood group of baby ahead of birth and won't give anti D unless opposite group even though Georgie is right it's mainly concern for baby 2!

Thank you everyone 😊

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