Looking for opinions! (Medical - skin rash)

I’m step mum, I don’t have any say in child’s health or child related matters really so I’m just coming here to ask. Since neither parent wants to take son to dr or get this looked at. Or want to discuss it. My step son has got very pale sensitive skin however his legs every time we get him back from mums house just look horrible. He does bruise easily and he is clumsy and throws himself to the ground often in tantrums so I’m not concerned on shin bruises. My concerns are the rash/ mozzie bites/ scratching them so much they bleed. I haven’t experienced with myself or either of my kids any skin conditions like this so I’m just wondering does anyone know what this might be or how I could fix it ? The mother says it’s mosquitoes bites (and she just took him out camping). I know the large red dots are. But he was complaining about the other leg with the small raised bumps. He scratches them so much it bleeds. The mother said she put insect repellent on him and gets up dad if he doesn’t put it on him in his time. She has told me directly she baths son in QV oil every night and she gives him telfast which is what a chemist has also recommended me for my own child’s mosquito bite reaction. However… These are not sand fly bites or mosquitoes. This little lumps have been here for months. I have soaked his legs in a bath with pinetarsol (which son said it made his legs stop itching) And then I’ve lathered calamine lotion on it as well. This just seems to sooth the itching but doesn’t actually get rid of anything. I feel like I’m talking to brick walls about it as neither parent doesn’t seem to be worried enough about it to take him to a dr and get proper cream or something for it. I wouldn’t care if this was just a once off and it healed “with all this care/routine going into it” however it just always comes back so angry and flared up. I don’t want the poor child scratching so much he’s constantly bleeding. Is this dermatitis or something, that I need a different sort of cream for ?
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This is a constant on going thing, not just since they went camping. The mosquitoes bites are definitely from that. But it’s the lumps all over his legs that’s worrying. I don’t think it’s scabies, cause we would all have it and it would be more over his body. It’s no other part of his body that’s affected. Only legs. I have not changed any body soaps or liquids, I use sensitive stuff for clothes/bedding to be washed. His diet hasn’t changed at all here. I can not actually remember a time that his legs didn’t have some sort of rash/bites or bruises on them but this is progressively worse than what it was before. But it’s been this bad (like in the photos) for at least the past 2 months.

I think it’s fungal infection x

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