Would you go back to bed for an hour?

So after a nice day sorting garden, cooking tea I was in bed by 8.30pm, I'd had a few glasses of wine but stopped drinking as knew I'd got an early start today, Hubby continued to drink and was a bit tipsy, he came to bed and proceeded to snore his head off so I went in with toddler to try and sleep, I was still awake around 1.30, just couldn't sleep. I'm now up as gotta get toddler to nursery and make sure older girl is up for school, toddler woke up 2 or 3 times during night so needless to say I'm quite knackered. I've nothing pressing to do today, I'm considering going back to bed for an hour for some peace and quiet, would you do the same??
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Of course!! If no kids are in the house why the hell not Lie in bed all day if you want

Hell yeah. Wish i bloody could but husband has been on nights. Had a really unsettled night with little one 😫😴😴😴

I feel guilty that I'm not up doing stuff! But then I look at my husband still laying in bed and think if he can still be there at 8am me having been up at 7am I'm bloody well gonna go back there for am hour later

Never feel guilty. Youre no good to anyone feeling exhausted. Just drains you. I know how you feel though xx

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